Page 7 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 7

beautiful, she kept an immaculate home, fussed          July weekend and celebrated with us. We had a
        over us all, regularly bowled in the 200s, and she      wonderful time, and it was a great thrill for me to
        always had room for one more kid in her home            finally be the host instead of the perpetual guest.
        and at her table. She made us laugh a lot, because
                                                                   A few years ago, Dave and I took a trip out to
        she saw the humor in everything.
                                                                Texas to drop his daughter off at college. Ma and
           Ma introduced us to quite a few colorful             Pa had relocated near to where Charles lives, so
        expressions:                                            on the way back, we detoured south to Florida.
                                                                Immediately prior to our arrival, Ma had a
           If someone burped, she’d announce, “’scuse the
                                                                sudden illness and was hospitalized.
        pigs, the hogs is comin’”
                                                                   She looked so helpless and frail in that
           If we got out of line, she’d threaten to “Stomp
                                                                hospital bed that I wanted to cry. Pa was by her
        a mudhole in ya”
                                                                side, looking older but still strong. They had
           She might describe a person as “Happier than         not known that we would be coming, as it was
        a pig in ____”                                          supposed to have been a surprise visit. Ma turned
                                                                to look at us, and immediately broke out in what
           If she weren’t feeling well, she’d tell you that     she might have described as a “____-eatin’ grin”.
        she felt “like I got shot at and missed, and ____ at
        and hit”                                                   “Mah boys are here to see me!” she exclaimed.

           If she scolded someone, it would be a threat to         We visited a bit, and left the next day.
        “Slap the ____ out of you”                              Although we had assumed that her time was very
                                                                short, she bounced back. We might have known
           And yes, she would “bless your heart”.               that she would. Still, it would be our last visit

                                                                with her.
           Everybody was “sweetheart” and “Darlin’” and
        she never forgot our birthdays.                            Three years later, Ma was diagnosed with
                                                                cancer. Although she and Pa put up a brave front,
           For as long as we all lived on Long Island, the
                                                                she died a few months later, on January 9th of
        bonds were never broken. Sadly, we all went our
                                                                2019. Pa called me with the news. I could tell by
        separate ways eventually, but nonetheless stayed
                                                                his words and the sound of his voice that he was
        in touch.
                                                                relieved that her suffering had ended. We visited
           Some years ago, after moving to VA, my               Pa one more time in 2020, and a few months
        daughter and I paid them a visit to their home          later, he joined her.
        in North Carolina, where they had moved in
                                                                   When I think about her now, I feel a special
        retirement. Norma was visiting from Long Island,
                                                                glow. Ma never put on any airs, or made any
        and Charles was visiting with his children from
                                                                pretenses about her feelings. When she told
        Florida, and they were having a big family get-
                                                                you that she loved you, you knew that she really
        together. They tipped me off, and we made the
                                                                meant it.
        trip to surprise them. I’ll never forget the look
        on Pa’s face when he opened the door and saw us            She was very fond of Alex. I’d like to think
        standing there. They had never met Colleen, and         that he is now being served light and fluffy hand
        for Ma, it was just one more grandbaby, whom            made buttermilk biscuits by a sweet angel. I hope
        she proceeded to spoil.                                 he saves some for me.

           Among the greatest joys of my life were the
        two times that they stayed with us over 4th of

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