Page 6 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 6

Editor’s Note

                                                              By Tim Ernandes

         Her name is Peggy, but most of us called her            “Ma” adopted several of us, but Dave and I
      “Ma”.                                                   became her favorites. It seemed like whatever we
                                                              did, it was always Norma, Dave, and I together,
         When I was a senior in high school, my steady
                                                              along with a few others who came and went. “Pa”
      girlfriend’s best friend was a girl named Norma.
                                                              was around a lot, because of the nature of his job,
      Norma is Peggy’s daughter. Norma turned 16 that
                                                              so we bonded with both of them. They had an
      year, and I was among the invited guests at her
                                                              uncanny knack for relating well to us kids, while
      birthday party in their home, which was just a few
                                                              still maintaining a level of respect in us.
      blocks from my own.
                                                                 When the day came for Norma to leave home
         Almost immediately, I noticed the firm hand
                                                              for college, amid tearful goodbyes, Ma and Pa
      with which her parents ruled the roost. “Yes, Sir,”
                                                              made it clear that they wanted us to continue
      and “Yes, Ma’am,” Norma said frequently. I wasn’t
                                                              to come by in the evenings, and we did. By this
      used to that, but it was a very nice home and they
                                                              time, we had also bonded with Norma’s younger
      were extremely hospitable. So much so, that when
                                                              brother, Charles. Dave had joined the Army, so
      my best friend Dave decided to crash the party
                                                              for quite a while it was just Charles and I who
      along with another friend, they were welcomed
                                                              were the “kids” in that house. We did a lot of
                                                              things together, including rebuilding the engine in
         Not long after that, I was invited to spend an       Ma’s Mercury.
      afternoon with Norma at her house. We had a
                                                                 One year, right after Christmas, Charles and
      nice visit, and again I felt the warmth of Peggy’s
                                                              I took a trip down to North Carolina to visit
      southern hospitality. Having lived nearly all of my
                                                              with Ma’s parents. “Me-Momma” had obviously
      life on Long Island, this was something new to
                                                              taught Ma how to cook, and we ate like kings. We
      me. It wasn’t long before both Dave and I became
                                                              had a great time with them, with entertainment
      frequent visitors.
                                                              supplied by “Granddaddy”’s very dry sense of
         “Ma” had grown up on a tobacco farm in               humor. We then went on to visit other relatives,
      North Carolina. Her husband, Maurice, an                and then headed over to Tennessee to visit Dave,
      airline pilot, who naturally soon became “Pa”, was      who was stationed at Fort Campbell, KY at the
      from Long Island. It was not unusual for us to          time.
      be invited to stay for supper, during which time
                                                                 Dave eventually came home from the Army,
      we were introduced to southern cuisine. I drool
                                                              and Norma left school, and we three were once
      at the thought of her chicken and pastry, fried
                                                              again united. Charles then left to join the Navy,
      chicken, collard greens, country ham, dry sausage,
                                                              but through it all, we remained part of the family.
      and buttermilk biscuits that were so light that I
      thought they might float right up off the platter.         Ma was an incredible woman. Strikingly

      4      Discover Smith Mountain Lake  WINTER 2021
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