Page 10 - Discover WINTER 2022
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      hard physical labor, neither of which he ever shied    throughout his academic career, and soon after
      away from. In fact, it was his belief that no education   graduation, he found great pleasure in the service of
      could be truly complete or valuable without learning   his fellow man. As a young teacher, he never refused
      the value and meaning of hard physical work. He        or discouraged any student, regardless of ability to
      attributed his unique attitude toward his experience   pay or his workload.
      as a slave, which taught him some important life
                                                                He was soon recognized, and rewarded with
                                                             the challenge of establishing a school in Tuskegee,
         He had watched as the white plantation owners,      Alabama, that would share the mission of the
      who believed that manual labor was beneath their       Hampton Institute in Virginia. Applying his
      dignity, lapsed into a state of increasing helplessness   unparalleled determination to the project, he
      as they left all physical work to their slaves. The    succeeded in securing funds to purchase the land of
      slaves, never having received proper training in the   an old plantation, and together with his students,
      trades, did the best that they could, but the net      over a period of many years, he cleared land, erected
      result was that the plantations fell into disrepair. The   buildings, and established agricultural and industrial
      unfortunate result of this was                                            enterprises on the school’s
      that after emancipation, blacks                                           grounds. These enterprises
      were not properly prepared                                                helped to subsidize the cost of
      for making their way in the                                               boarding the school’s growing
      world, and whites were similarly                                          population, as well as affording
      unprepared to assume the duties                                           students the opportunity to earn
      that had once been performed by                                           their own way.
      their slaves.
                                                                                   This served the purpose
         This was compounded by the                                             of giving the students the
      attitude, now held by both races,                                         satisfaction of having built their
      that manual labor was beneath                                             own school, as well as teaching
      their dignity. Washington                                                 them the value of hard physical
      resolved that he would embrace                                            labor, in addition to the pursuits
      both hard physical labor and                                              of book learning. The students
      his academic studies with equal                                           were thus prepared for whatever
      enthusiasm, and this turned out to be the key to his   challenges lay ahead of them, and at the same time,
      success. In his autobiography, Up From Slavery, he     they learned that there was no shame in any kind of
      explains:                                              work.

         The individual who can do something that               It was not long before the school’s reputation was
      the world wants done will, in the end, make his        well-established, and Washington found himself
      way regardless of race. One man may go into a          spending a great deal of his time traveling to cities in
      community prepared to supply the people there with     the north, in pursuit of funding for expansion of the
      an analysis of Greek sentences. The community may      school, as well as scholarship money to an increasing
      not at the time be prepared for, or feel the need of,   number of needy students. Eventually, this led to an
      Greek analysis, but it may feel its need of bricks and   honorary degree from Harvard, and a nationwide
      houses and wagons. If the man can supply the need      reputation as a forceful and effective public speaker.
      for those, then, it will lead eventually to a demand   True to his character, he declined many invitations to
      for the first product, and with the demand will come   tour the country as an orator, since he was exclusively
      the ability to appreciate it and to profit by it.      committed to two things: the ongoing success of
                                                             Tuskegee Institute, and the continued advancement
         Washington exemplified this work ethic

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