Page 50 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 50
Charlie's Chatter CONTINUED
Naturally, I was curious. “Is the you to shut down the cooling system,
freezer cold?” I inquired. while continuing to power itself and
the interior lights. I have yet to discover
She responded with a cold stare. “Was
the tremendous advantage of such
the old freezer cold?” I retreated out of
an improvement, given that the main
arm’s reach.
mission is to keep stuff cold. It also has
Next, it was noted that now wider a “Sabbath” feature. This allows the
items would have sufficient space in user to turn off the annoying modern
both sections. Huzzah. We can now conveniences on the Sabbath, for those
finally keep a sheet cake in the fridge. who must do so for religious purposes.
Last time I checked, the Pope was cool
I will admit that the new fridge has
with modern refrigeration, but it was a
a spectacular lighting system. In place
standard feature.
of the old single dim bulb, we now have
very bright LED lights distributed all I discovered to my chagrin that the
throughout the interior spaces. These water dispenser did not provide chilled
are obviously controlled by some fancy water. A quick check of the owner’s
electronic gizmo buried somewhere, manual revealed that “this product is
most likely in the least accessible place not designed to chill water. Use the ice
in the unit. dispenser to dispense ice into your glass
before dispensing water.” Amazing. My
In place of my grandfather
grandfather had already learned that
shouting,“HEY! Close the door to
trick when he had an icebox.
the icebox!” we now have an alarm
that beeps incessantly if the door This one has “French doors” in the
stays open for too long. But the most non-freezer section. Three days later, I
interesting feature has to be the control opened the right side door, and surprise!
panel, governed no doubt by the same No lights. I opened the left side, and
aforementioned gizmo. It displays the the lights came on as usual. Lord knows
temperature inside both compartments what sort of malfunction has befallen
(Cold? Yes, cold. Frozen? Yes, frozen.) our expensive new refrigerator, my worst
How did I ever survive without knowing fear being that the magic electronic
the inside temperature of my freezer in gizmo buried somewhere in the bowels
degrees Celsius? of the thing might be the culprit.
It also uses a single chute to dispense There is a phone number for warranty
both water and ice, eliminating the service that is printed on the last page
hassle and waste of having one for of the owner’s manual, which I had to
each right beside each other. It allows source online. I called the number at 8
48 Discover Smith Mountain Lake WINTER 2021