Page 48 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 48

Charlie's Chatter CONTINUED

      the average family. The first electric                  became popular, all my friends would
      refrigerator for use in the home was                    tell me very excitedly about all the
      not invented until 1913, and it was a                   things that their phones could do. They

      commercial failure, although it did                     would carry on incessantly about games
      introduce the ice cube tray, which                      and calculators and so on.
      became popular with the public. In
                                                                   I would say, “Does it ring when
      1918, William C. Durant founded a
                                                              someone is calling me? Does it allow me
      company called “Frigidaire”, and in
                                                              to call other people?” That’s all I wanted
      1927 GE introduced the first widely
                                                              my phone to do.
      sold refrigerator, which is easily

      identified by the large compressor that                      So when my wife wanted a new
      sat on top of it.                                       fridge, I was curious as to the proper
                                                              function of the old one. I checked.
           Still, only the wealthy could afford
                                                              Nope, it still kept the food cold.
      them, so science marched on. Even such
      notables as Albert Einstein worked                            “But it’s OLD,” she complained. Ah.
      on design improvements. Finally, in
                                                                   So with much fanfare and ado,
      the 1930s, the discovery of Freon led
                                                              we ordered the “Fridigaire”. It was
      to a great production of more modern
                                                              scheduled to arrive on a Thursday…
      refrigerators, although the average
                                                              then a Sunday… and then on a Friday,
      American home did not have one until
                                                              when it actually arrived.
      after World War II.
                                                                    The old one was a “side by side”,
           While my grandfather called it an
                                                              which was introduced after many years
      “icebox”, he did eventually acquire a
                                                              of “freezer on the top” units. This was
      refrigerator, which he would sometimes
                                                              supposed to be a convenience, since it
      refer to as the “Frigidaire”, regardless
                                                              allowed for more freezer space, albeit at
      of the brand name. It was kind of like
                                                              the expense of non-freezer space, and
      “Kleenex” or “Coke” as a household
                                                              it provided for improvements such as
      name for a generic product.
                                                              water and ice dispensing. As an added
           So we started browsing online, and                 feature, now many items of substantial

      eventually she selected a “Frigidaire”                  width would not fit in either space. We
      for our kitchen. It was an ACTUAL                       adjusted.
      “Frigidaire” product. I didn’t think much
                                                                    Now with tremendous excitement,
      of it, until she pointed out all of the
                                                              she began showing me features. She
      features, which to me seemed incidental.
                                                              pointed out that on the new one, the
           I’m kind of old school, in that I like             freezer is now on the very bottom of
      things to be simple. When cell phones                   the fridge.

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