Page 39 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 39

into Valley Forge, PA.                                 Trenton on the prior Christmas Eve.

                                                                Congress denied Washington’s pleas
         He had chosen this location for
                                                                for provisions, even as they stripped
         their winter encampment for
                                                                him of some of his authority, placing
         strategic reasons. For one thing, the
                                                                him under the command of General
         surrounding topography served as a
                                                                Horatio Gates, whom they appointed
         sort of natural fortress. Their camp was
                                                                as President of the Board of War. This
         situated on a plateau that sat atop a
                                                                was a conflict of interest, because Gates
         series of hills that offered protection.
                                                                was also supposedly Washington’s
         For another, he wanted to be near
         enough to Philadelphia to be able to
         monitor the British troops who had                          Gates had taken credit for the

         occupied that city, in order to be able                Army’s victory at Saratoga, which was
         to prevent surprise attacks on the local               actually managed by Benedict Arnold,
         settlements.                                           Enoch Poor, Benjamin Lincoln, and

                                                                Daniel Morgan, all of whom served
              It also was distant enough from
                                                                under Gates’s command. Ever the
         the fertile farmland to the north of
                                                                political opportunist, Gates was often
         Philadelphia to avoid becoming an
                                                                critical of Washington’s aggressive
         unnecessary burden on the locals.
                                                                strategy, and had advised against
              Washington estimated that about                   Washington’s attack on Trenton, which

         a third of his men had no shoes, and                   was enormously successful. Although
         many had no coats or blankets. They                    he served under Washington, Gates

         had little in the way of food: 25 barrels              always felt as though he should have
         of flour and a small amount of salt                    been Commander-in-Chief instead,
         pork. A large number of his men had                    and made his reports directly to

         left family farms on a moment’s notice                 Congress instead of to Washington,
         with only the clothes on their backs to                who was his immediate superior. It’s

         join in the fighting, and as such, they                easy to see how Washington would
         were never properly trained as soldiers.               have been discouraged, and somewhat
         Desertion was a common problem, as                     desperate.

         some of the men, seeing their cause as
                                                                     Valley Forge was so named because
         hopeless, would leave to return to work
                                                                it served as the location of an iron
         their farms.
                                                                forge that was owned by a family

              The Continental Army had suffered                 named Potts. Isaac Potts was one
         a series of defeats at the hands of                    of the owners of Valley Forge, and

         the British, even in the wake of                       he had little faith in the cause of the
         their successful surprise attack at

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