Page 42 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 42

Christmas Saved CONTINUED

      an exaggerated picture, and that I have                      Nonplussed, Washington retreated

      abundant reasons to support what I say.”                to his tent. In his absence, some of the
                                                              men had festooned his tent flap with
           Washington understood that his
                                                              garlands fashioned from holly and cedar,
      men were not professional soldiers,
                                                              as Christmas decorations. Inspired by
      and under these terrible circumstances,
                                                              this show of faith and good cheer, he
      especially at Christmas time, he
                                                              snatched up the letter, and burned it in
      couldn’t blame them for giving up
                                                              the fire.
      hope, and in some cases, deserting.
      Hearing a commotion outside, he put                          “May God relieve your sufferings, if

      his pen down, and went outside. His                     Congress will not,” he announced to his
      despondency had him fearing that a                      troops. “And a good Christmas to you!”

      mutiny was at hand. What he saw he
                                                                   In one tiny moment, Washington was
      could scarcely believe.
                                                              inspired by the spirit and tenacity of his
           There were his men, huddled together  men. As the Grinch himself put it:

      around fires, chatting amiably and
                                                                   “It came without ribbons. It came
      sharing a meal of hunted game. To his
                                                              without tags. It came without packages,
      astonishment, they each hailed their
                                                              boxes or bags.”
      commander with Christmas greetings,
      and soon began to cheer him on.                              Though it was hardly a Merry

                                                              Christmas, the spirit of the holiday
           “Long live the United States! Hail to
                                                              imbued in his men gave him hope
      our Chief! May liberty prevail!”
                                                              and restored his confidence in his

           Standing in the cold snow, wearing                 mission. Valley Forge is historically
      neither a coat or a hat, the General                    regarded as the turning point of the
      was moved to tears. Here were his men                   American Revolution. As we all know,

      wrapped in blankets, many with their                    Washington’s Army was ultimately
      feet wrapped in rags, and they were                     successful in turning back the world’s
      cheering him on.                                        mightiest empire, and establishing the

                                                              greatest nation that this world has ever
           He finally spoke, inquiring of his men
      whether they hadn’t already suffered

      enough.                                                        And that, boys and girls, is how
                                                                     Christmas saved America.
           One lieutenant spoke up. “Having

      come this far, we can go but the rest of
      the distance.”

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