Page 34 - Discover Summer 2022
P. 34

      Weeder’s Digest CONTINUED

             Now that you have established                    a pre-emergent in early May.
      your lawn, there are a couple of more                          You may also want to consider

      things to consider, so that your hard                   the different options to a lawn’s
      work is not in vain. Specifically, you                  makeup:

      need to follow proper watering and
      weed control.                                                  Zoysia, which is a warm season
                                                              grass, turns brown in the winter.
             Whether you have an                              Grass seed blends can be pure fescue,
      underground sprinkler system or will                    have a bluegrass blend, and even

      be manually watering, in both cases                     an annual rye for cooler condition
      you should remember to water deeply,                    germination. Whatever you choose to

      but infrequently.                                                           plant, you’ll get what
      Twice a week for a                                                          you pay for when it

      half hour is better                                                         comes to quality. You
      than daily for                                                              should also know that

      ten minutes. All                                                            due to recent poor
      sprinkler systems                                                           harvests and shipping

      are different, so set                                                       issues, current prices
      up your watering                                                            per pound are quite

      schedule to shoot                                                           high.
      for about an inch

      to an inch and a                                                              Growing and
      half on a weekly                                                            maintaining a

      basis. Shallow                                                              beautiful lawn is
      watering will make                                                          not an inexpensive

      for shallow root                                                            venture, so whether
      systems.                                                you pay someone or do it yourself, it

                                                              is a process, and you'll need to stick to
             Weed control is a conversation                   a good program in order to get good

      almost unto to itself. Pre-emergent,                    results.
      post-emergent, and spot spraying all
      have different timing factors, so be                    You can reach Bob Siren by email:

      sure to seek professional advice on           

      such matters. Most important is to
      stop crabgrass from establishing, as it
      will smother your good grass, so apply

      32     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SUMMER 2022
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