Page 37 - Discover Summer 2022
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By Tim Ernandes
Several years ago, I took the occasion whose goal is to preserve and restore all
to visit Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest. aspects of this National Landmark, to the
It’s only about an hour’s drive from the lake, extent that it is possible, now owns the house
and is an awesome historical treasure. It and grounds. That would include buildings,
was originally a Bedford County plantation fences, roads, and landscaping.
known by the name “Poplar Forest”, owing to
A tour of the home speaks of Jefferson’s
the abundance of such
innovative architectural style.
trees on the property.
The dining room occupies
Jefferson the exact center of the main
inherited the property floor plan, with a doorway
from his father-in-law in each of its four walls that
in 1773, and it became leads to adjoining rooms. It’s
his “lake house”… a an extremely simple, unique
country retreat, far design that is economical and
removed from the practical. The central dining
bustle and pressures room also functions as a
of his political and law center hallway of sorts, which
careers. Although he allows for easy movement
never lived there full throughout the home, yet
time, he did visit three wastes no space in doing so.
or four times a year for
The noticeable absence
extended periods.
of a kitchen is a sign of the times in which it
The centerpiece of this 4,819-acre was built. Back then, the plantation kitchen
estate is the octagonal home, conceived, was a separate building. This was done in
designed and built by Jefferson himself, order to minimize the risk of a fire burning
and which still stands today. The non-profit down the main house, and to keep from
Corporation for Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, adding excessive heat to the main house in 35