Page 52 - Discover SPRING 2022
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Charlie's Chatter CONTINUED

      arrested while in office. He was                        a beach in Boston for wearing a one-
      charged, booked, and released for                       piece swimsuit. My question is: Was it

      speeding on a horse, and had to pay a                   the top, or the bottom?
      fine… ah, the good old days.
                                                              •  In 2009, Stephen Hawking held a

      •  The word “Gymnastics”                                reception for time travelers, but didn’t
      linguistically means “to train naked”.                  publicize it until after. This way, only

      It is derived from the two Ancient                      those who could time travel would be
      Greek words “gumnasía” (athletic                        able to attend. Nobody else attended.

      training, exercise) and “gumnós”                        Maybe it was his breath?
      (naked). This is because many Greek
                                                              •  In order to protest the high tariffs
      athletes would train naked for the
                                                              enforced by a U.K. censorship board,
      Olympic games. This might have a
                                                              a filmmaker sent in a 10-hour “movie”
      positive effect on TV ratings.
                                                              of white paint drying. They had to
      •  Research conducted by Wal-Mart                       watch the entire film. Unfortunately,

      concluded that people stock up the                      several art critics also saw the film,
      most on strawberry pop tarts and                        and proclaimed it a ‘fascinating use of

      beer before a hurricane. Consider the                   color and texture’.
                                                              •  Mona Lisa was stolen from the
      •  The distance from your wrist to your  Louvre in 1911, which drew more
      elbow is the same length as your foot.                  visitors to see the empty space than

      How many of you are bending over                        the actual painting. Now I understand

      and putting that to the test?                           television ratings.

      •  Einstein’s brain went missing when                   •  The day after Thanksgiving is

      he died in 1955 and was lost for 23                     called “Brown Friday” by plumbers
      years. There is absolutely no truth to                  in America because it is their busiest

      the rumor that he served in Congress                    day of the year. It’s the one time of the
      during that time.                                       year when a flush beats a full house.

      •  Iceland has a dating app that stops
      you from hooking up with your                             I hope you all enjoyed our little

      cousin. Obviously, it never found its
                                                                            trivial pursuit!
      way here.

      •  In 1907, a woman was arrested on

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