Page 50 - Discover SPRING 2022
P. 50
Charlie's Chatter CONTINUED
• Any prime number higher than fetch much more than a cup of coffee
three, when squared and subtracted in the land of fruits and nuts.
by one, will always turn out to be a
• In the movie, The Godfather, the
multiple of 24. I’m struggling to find a
word “mafia” is never said because
use for this information.
the actual mafia commanded it.
• The little piece of paper sticking out Who knew that it was a registered
of a Hershey’s Kiss is called a niggly trademark?
wiggly. I decline to comment on this.
• The loudness of a monkey is relative
• The Canadian government isn’t sure to the size of its testicles. Researchers
when Canada became a sovereign found that the smaller the testicles,
state. Its Supreme Court ruled that the louder the monkey. Similar results
sovereignty occurred sometime were found when studying Congress.
between 1919 and 1931. Keep
• 7% of all American adults believe
wondering why we mock you.
that chocolate milk comes from
• When cellophane was invented in brown cows. That works out to 16.4
1908, it was originally intended to million people. It shouldn’t surprise
be used to protect tablecloths from you that they all vote.
wine spills… and also, apparently, my
• Eminem’s mother filed an $11
grandmother’s living room furniture.
million defamation lawsuit against
• You can now get a headstone him because of his lyrics about
with a QR code. Called “Living her. She settled for $25,000 and
Headstones”, they show pages with $23,354.25 of that went to her lawyer.
photos, video biography’s, and God bless America.
comments from loved ones. Future
• At one point, 50% of the CD’s
archaeologists should have a field day
produced worldwide had AOL logos
with this one.
on them. The cost for the marketing
• In Mississippi, it is considered a campaign was in the billions –
federal offense to “Dine-n-Dash” on a and it worked. Coincidentally, a
check that is over $25. In California, corresponding percentage of skeet
it is only petty theft. In fairness to shooting targets were similarly
California, while one might dine well branded.
on $25 in Mississippi, it likely won’t
• President Ulysses S. Grant was
48 Discover Smith Mountain Lake SPRING 2022