Page 9 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 9

Nothing speaks more beautifully of Spring than       when they do! But don’t despair; even if they reject
        the bluebird, likely America’s favorite songbird. When   your house the first time, they may use it for their
        it has its breeding colors on, the male is a brilliant,   second nesting. Don’t give up!
        iridescent blue over its head, wings and tail. Its
                                                                       Bluebirds are secondary cavity dwellers,
        throat and breast are reddish brown. The female bird
                                                                which means that they do not hollow out a home
        is similar, but with muted colors. They are from the
                                                                for themselves in a tree, but rather they use natural
        thrush family, and like true thrushes, the young have
                                                                cavities or the former nests of woodpeckers. They will
        spotted breasts. Providing a nesting home for this
                                                                also readily use “houses” that humans have made, as
        delightful native bird is one of the most frustrating
                                                                long as those houses fill certain needs. In some cases,
        and rewarding things that birdwatchers can do.
                                                                it seems that the house must also meet the whims
               If you’ve ever observed a pair of bluebirds      of a very fussy female, as it is the female who is the
        deciding whether or not they’ll build their nest in the   ultimate voice in deciding where she’ll raise her
        birdhouse that you’ve installed at the edge of your     family.
        lawn, it’s very much like watching a human couple
                                                                       Given a choice, they prefer that their nest
        looking for real estate. They will fly to each boundary
                                                                box faces east. It should be at least six feet off the
        of your yard, as if to “check out the neighborhood”,
                                                                ground (if possible), and near a wide expanse of grass.
        then to the roof of your house, then to the roof of
                                                                A nearby hedge row may be perfect. Bluebirds are
        the birdhouse and back to a tree that infringes on a
                                                                primarily ground feeders; the grass provides them
                                                                with the worms and insects that they need to survive.
               They might even chase other birds that begin     They also eat berries during the cold months of
        to also show an interest in the birdhouse. Then they    the year, when invertebrates are not available. Their
        fly over to another tree where the birdbath sits. Then   territory consists of from two to five acres, so they may
        it’s back to the birdhouse, where they’ll stick their   be using the lawns of your neighbors as well as your
        heads inside a dozen times and each time your hopes     own. A birdbath filled with fresh water is an extremely
        soar. One of them might even take a piece of dried      valuable asset in attracting nesting bluebirds, or
        grass inside and leave it. This is such a positive sign   indeed any birds. In fact, many bird watchers get more
        that it may cause you to clasp your hands in prayer in   satisfaction and pleasure from watching birds come to
        the hope that they bring in more building material.     the birdbath than they do from watching them at the
                                                                feeder. If used properly, a birdbath can also contribute
               Instead, she will fly over to the box, cling to
                                                                aesthetically to your garden.
        the outside wall, and look inside the round opening
        for long moments at a time, turning her head from              Bluebird houses are readily available for sale
        one side to the other, as if trying to decide how she’s   at most places that sell wild bird seed, or they can be
        going to arrange the furniture. Then she’ll fly away    bought online. A basic house costs between $20 to
        to a high branch, as if thinking things over. It’s all   $25, and will last for many seasons with a minimum
        repeated. Then she goes inside the box for a long       of care. You will want to look for a couple of things in
        while. He waits patiently on a nearby ledge. These      a bluebird house: First, it should be made from real
        exercises may go on for several days. Then, horror of   wood, without the use of glue. Plastic or metal would
        all horrors, they leave. Some times they come back      bake the babies. Next, try to find a box that is easy to
        within a day or two. Other times, they may choose       clean. You may want to choose one with a panel that
        your property on the first visit; what a thrill that is   opens, so that old nests can be easily brushed out. Old

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