Page 10 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 10


      nests should be cleaned out in late January or early   a tool that I needed. When I returned, there was
      February each year. At that time, make sure that the   a male bluebird poking around the two boxes and
      house is still sturdy enough for two, possibly three   looking inside. They were fresh from the store with
      nestings. It is important not to dump the old nest     all labels still intact, lying on their backs on a picnic
      near the nesting site as, that will attract predators.   table on the patio. It was as though he was telling
      Bluebirds do not mind building one nest on top of      me, “Hurry up and put these houses up before all the
      another, and in fact may prefer to do so. Therefore,   females are taken”.
      a once-a-year cleaning may be sufficient. Also,
                                                                    Those little guys do their jobs very well – if
      bluebirds have a tendency to return to the same spots
                                                             they don’t, they won’t attract a mate, and they aren’t
      where they successfully nested the previous year.
                                                             going to let that happen. Once a male has decided
             Erecting two birdhouses that are several        that your property is an acceptable location, he will
      feet apart is perfectly fine. Swallows are also cavity   explore every possible nesting site and take the
      nesters, so if bluebirds don’t use both, the swallows   female to visit each one. As mentioned earlier, it is
      might like the empty one. There have been many         a nail-biting experience when you are anxious to
      cases reported of swallows                                                  have them as a family in your
      nesting side by side with                                                   garden.
      bluebirds. Both species are
                                                                                          We have a lot of snakes
      wonderful birds to have in your
                                                                                  in this area, and snakes love
      garden, not just for their beauty
                                                                                  bird eggs and little birds. If you
      but also for bug control.
                                                                                  nail a birdhouse to a tree or
             No matter how tempting                                               wooden post, you risk it being
      it may be, do not paint or stain                                            visited by a snake. Snakes are
      your birdhouse. The fumes                                                   good climbers, especially if
      maybe harmful to birds, and                                                 they’re after food. They will
      in any case, a newly painted                                                eat every egg in the nest or
      house will probably be rejected.                                            every defenseless baby bird.
      A neighbor recently installed a                                             Metal stakes (like the ones
      bluebird house on a tree in her                                             that support road signs) are
      back yard. She painted the house                                            the simplest solution, and can
      bright red, so it jumps out at you even a hundred      typically be found at a hardware store or lumber yard.
      feet away. She nailed it to a tree. She did two things   They come in silver and green. Although they are not
      wrong: she painted it, and she nailed it to a tree. She   as attractive as a wooden post, they can be disguised
      likely chose red paint thinking that it would attract   by shrubs or decorative grass.
      more birds. Bluebirds, along with all cavity nesters,
                                                                     Snakes don’t like climbing those metal
      prefer natural looking houses. Therefore, a weathered
                                                             stakes. The metal stakes that are easiest to find aren’t
      house is more preferred, as long as it is still sturdy.
                                                             as tall as desired (they are six feet long), but they do
      You will likely also have success with a new house. If
                                                             work. They have holes that will accept a bolt and
      it sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb, predators
                                                             nut so the house can be firmly secured for several
      will notice it too. Predators include young boys who
                                                             seasons. Wrens will nest in houses that move or sway
      are curious, and cats, especially well-fed cats.
                                                             with the wind...bluebirds will not. Also, these stakes
             This well-meaning lady obviously didn’t         can be pounded into the ground instead of having to
      realize that bluebirds are experts on finding suitable   dig a hole, so they will save time and energy. Eight
      nesting sites. No one needs to help them, especially   foot long stakes are ideal, but besides being quite
      not with brightly colored boxes. Once, while getting   expensive, they are hard to find. If you must use
      ready to install a couple of houses, I went inside for   wood to secure your nesting box, wrap the bottom of

      8      Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SPRING 2021
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