Page 7 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 7

concept in the creation of his dystopian world,         and the thought police. The politics of today
        in which the Party’s opposition is eliminated.          has seemingly eschewed debate in favor of
        Rather than using propaganda or force to                scorched earth policies. It’s not enough to

        impose its will, the Party simply obliterates           win elections; it’s necessary to eliminate the
        any suggestion of contrary thought.                     opposition. Thus, we have people calling for
                                                                the punishment of “climate change deniers”,
           This is accomplished through the constant
                                                                and the ruination of people who dare to
        revision of history. Any possible reference
                                                                question the authority of the state.
        to something that is harmful to the Party or
        contrary to its teachings is simply removed                Our lexicon now includes “doxxing” of
        from all possible references. Books are                 people with controversial opinions. It refers

        rewritten. News stories are changed. People             to the use of the internet to maliciously attack
        who rebel are simply erased from history                and silence them. It bears an eerie semblance
        as if they had never existed. Anyone who                to the practice of 1984’s children, who happily
        questions the Party or attempts to affect               reported their parents to the state if they
        change is subjected to extreme physical and             should so much as utter a discouraging word.
        mental torture. Acquiescence to the Party’s             Orwell seems to have imagined the future
        demands is only the first step in the process.          existence of the internet and state surveillance,
        The individual is broken down to the point of           which is accomplished through the use of
        actually believing whatever the party wants             video screens that are capable of two way

        him to believe, including that two plus two             communication. Look at us now, with our
        equals five. Success is finally achieved when           smart TVs and our laptops with built in
        the subject is forced to face his worst fear, at        webcams. Given that this book was written in
        which point he betrays the person whom he               1949, it’s amazing that he envisioned this.
        loves the most. Winston Smith, faced with
                                                                   What’s not so amazing is that he
        being devoured alive by hungry rats, tells his
                                                                envisioned Big Brother and the Party’s
        torturer to do it to his girlfriend Julia instead.
                                                                agenda. We humans are given to the conceit
        Thus, his ordeal is complete, and he now truly
                                                                that we are somehow superior in nature
        loves Big Brother.
                                                                to the people of the past. Our so-called
           “Big Brother” is a familiar term, which has          “enlightenment” is merely a construct, as
        its origins in 1984. It refers to a mythical head       every succeeding generation imagines itself
        of state who is all knowing and all powerful.           morally superior to past generations. The
        “Big Brother is watching” is a constant                 truth is that human nature remains largely
        reference to state surveillance of all citizens.        unchanged throughout history, which we
        One had to be careful not only with words               seem condemned to repeat.

        and actions, but with facial expressions and
                                                                   It was not long ago that we were told that
        emotions. People lived in constant fear of the
                                                                “dissent is patriotic”. We were told that flag
        thought police.
                                                                burning was a form a freedom of speech.
           To me, the expression “hate crime” bears             Today, you must be careful of whom you
        an uneasy resemblance to “thought crime”                might criticize, and whose flag you burn.

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