Page 48 - Discover Fall 2021
P. 48

C Clubs and Organizations
               nd Org
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      Clubs and Organizations

            "All Stop", Before It's Too Late!

           By the close of the Independence Day  children to the hospital.  (Failure to

      weekend,  SML power craft operators                     assess and prevent risk to life. Towing
      racked up more safety incidents than                    along and around docks.  Inability
      they did in all of 2020 combined, and                   to control a tube's swing, especially

      the number of incidents keep rising as                  overloaded.  If the number of people on
      summer wanes and fall begins.  This is                  a jet ski plus the number being towed
      unprecedented, and should have every                    is more than the designed capacity of
      lake user concerned and alert.                          the jet ski you do not have full authority
                                                              of the jet ski.  You are overloaded and
         To highlight but a few of these risks to
                                                              subject to fine.)
      "life and limb";
                                                              -  In two separate incidents, jet skis
      -  An overloaded jet ski towing a tube
                                                              collided with power craft while trying
      without a spotter slung three children
                                                              to maneuver in the larger craft's wake.
      into a dock. and the rear end of the
                                                              In one case, the jet ski operator impaled
      boat hanging in the cradle sending the
                                                              themselves into the pleasure craft.  In

      46     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2021
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