Page 46 - Discover Fall 2021
P. 46
Charlie's Chatter CONTINUED
they always thank you for doing so, exclusively for when someone sneezes.
apparently because they’re surprised
“Bless your heart” can be, and often
that you did.
is, an insult.
It’s not only acceptable to end a
Three or more cars at a stoplight is
sentence with a misplaced preposition,
considered heavy traffic.
it’s also perfectly fine to end a question
with a superfluous one, such as “Where You can buy wine and beer in the
is it at?” or “Where are we going to?” dollar store, but spirits can only be
bought at a state-run store.
You never ask someone if they have
a dog. You ask how MANY they have. You can bury your dead in your yard.
This also applies to cats.
“Junior” is considered a proper first
You need a license to kill a deer. name.
During deer season, you need a hunting
If you don’t want to be bothered to
license. Any other time, a driver’s license
register your pickup truck, you can buy
will do.
“FARM USE” tags at the hardware store
You WILL hit a deer with your car. instead.
It’s just a matter of time.
If you just tell DMV that your car has
“You can’t get there from here” has a insurance, they’ll believe you, but the
grain of truth to it. inspection sticker on your windshield
means nothing if you don’t have a
If you ask someone for directions, it’s
certificate of inspection in your glove
helpful to know where things used to be.
For example, you might be told to turn
left at a Stop sign where there used to be In many situations, three is quite
an old tree that they cut down 10 years literally a crowd.
It’s possible to experience a heavy
“Staying on Route 40” could involve thundershower, while the sun is shining
several turns onto entirely different a mile away from where you are.
Cole slaw is a major food group.
“The Baptist Church” and “The
“Barbecue” is a type of food. The
United Methodist Church” are entirely
thing that you use to cook hamburgers
non-specific designations, whereas “the
and hot dogs outside is called a “grill”.
supermarket” and “the traffic light at the
The event involving grilling hamburgers
corner” are quite specific.
and hotdogs is called a “cookout”.
Saying “God bless you” is not reserved
There are also quite a few colorful
44 Discover Smith Mountain Lake FALL 2021