Page 56 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 56

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      W W ha t t ’ ’ s U p D o c? C O NTINUED
      What’s Up Doc? CONTINUED
      to comply with AEP’s permitting rules. The              Beam agreed to come here and meet with up
      Pressls had joined forces with Bill Brush               to seven selected representatives of those
      and CURB (Cut Unnecessary Regulatory                    concerned. Those who were selected met with
      Burden). CURB had previously started a public           Mr. Beam individually to present their cases.
      campaign in defense of property owners vs.
      AEP’s flowage easement rights. They had                       According to Pressl, “He heard from
      come to the defense of Bill Nissen, who was             dock builders, realtors, residents… it was a
      challenging AEP’s permitting authority. Using           nice cross-section of the community.”
      legal precedents, CURB argued that AEP was                    In one of those interviews, a friend of
      overstepping its rights with respect to the             Pressl pointed out that an AEP employee had
      flowage easement, not just in these two cases,          declared Pressl’s property as a wetland, which
      but in the case of virtually everyone who               would disqualify him from building a dock.
      owned lakefront property.                               That claim had in part formed the basis of

             Finally, the Pressls, backed by CURB,            AEP’s evidence that was presented in court.
      appealed the matter to the Virginia Supreme             This friend produced evidence from numerous
      Court, who had rendered past rulings in favor           surveys of the property that disproved her
      of property owners in similar cases. They               claim. Suffice it to say that this particular
      refused to hear the case. Ultimately, a local           meeting didn’t end well for her.
      judge ruled that both the Pressls and the                     To his credit, Mr. Beam listened to all
      Nissens had to cease construction on their              of the concerns that were presented with an
      docks, and also that AEP could not take steps           open mind. He went away from the meetings
      to physically remove them. Months later,                with over one thousand pages of statements
      AEP demanded that Pressl remove his dock,               and evidence. He read every word of it, and
      and after several more months, they came to             then agreed to act. He met with Mr. Pressl at
      remove it.                                              his home to personally review his individual

             Following that, AEP petitioned the               case, and assured him that if he complied with
      Franklin County Board of Supervisors to grant           the SMP, he would be able to have his dock.
      them absolute and total rights to issue dock            It took several months, and a lot of red tape,
      permits on the county’s portion of Smith                but the dock permit was finally granted. Now,
      Mountain Lake. By this time, CURB had                   some 8 years later, and 15 years after the fight
      succeeded in gaining some grass roots support           had started, Rick Pressl has his new dock.
      for Pressl among those who knew the facts of                  “He may be the best executive that I
      the case, and understood the ramifications of           have ever seen,” Pressl said of Chris Beam.
      this action for all lakefront property owners.          “I’ve dealt with a lot of executives in my life,
      In a well-attended public hearing, several              professionally, and otherwise… the guy is
      residents voiced their objections to turning            amazing… He gave me his cell phone number,
      over public authority to a private company.             and told me to call him 24/7 if I ever have a
      The decision was voted down, but not before             problem.”
      the Board had presented a letter from AEP’s
      COO, Chris Beam. From that letter, those                      Pressl has plans to hold a huge party on
      concerned were able to learn Mr. Beam’s                 his new dock when that becomes possible…
      e-mail address, and they mounted an e-mail              and Mr. Beam said that he was looking
      campaign to appeal directly to him.                     forward to having a beer with him on his new
             The results were extremely positive.

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