Page 51 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 51

Christmas trees were distributed to                     director until 2001. Sam Campbell
        many of the non-profits in  Rocky                       replaced him and served for the next
        Mount, including Helping Hands, and                     17 years. Kay, who had been serving

        they were told to decorate the trees in                 as board chair at the time, became
        a theme that reflects the services that                 executive director in 2018.
        they provide. A contest would follow, in
                                                                        “We are always looking for
        which anyone donating an unwrapped
                                                                volunteers,” Kay says. “Anyone interested
        toy could vote for their favorite entry.
                                                                in joining us here at Helping Hands
                Obviously, Helping Hands                        should give us a call at 540-483-2387.”
        decorated their tree with a “hand”
                                                                        She went on to explain that
        theme. There were real red mittens and
                                                                all volunteers are trained in budget
        hand prints on felt hearts scattered over
                                                                counseling as well as decision making
        the tree, along with traditional colored
                                                                regarding the amount of assistance
        ornaments and frosted pine cones. Gold
                                                                provided to a specific client. They
        garland and a gold star at the top added
                                                                also serve as receptionists, along with
        finishing touches. Helping Hands didn’t
                                                                performing other office duties.
        win the contest, but when the festival

        was over, volunteers took the tree to the                       For the safety of its volunteers
        woman’s apartment. Donated toys under                   and clients, Helping Hands of Franklin
        all of the trees were distributed by We                 County is taking only phone calls.
        Care of Franklin County.                                There will be no personal one-on-one
                                                                meetings until the threat of spreading
                The knowledge that those children
                                                                the virus is over. All discussions with
        would have a Christmas tree and some
                                                                clients are “dignified, respectful and
        toys made Christmas brighter for
                                                                confidential,” Kay promises.
        everyone: the volunteers at Helping
        Hands, the mother, and those two young                       To speak with a volunteer, call on
        children.                                                  Tues. or Thurs. 9am-1pm. To donate
                                                                  to Helping Hands, you may mail your
                “Many of our clients are good,
                                                                                contribution to:
        hard-working adults who are one
        paycheck away from disaster,” Kay says.                                Helping Hands of
        “Trying to navigate life when you do not
                                                                               Franklin County
        have the resources is very stressful, and
        we hope by helping lift some of their                                     P.O. Box 429
        financial burden we make life at least a
        little less stressful for them.”                                  Rocky Mount, VA 24151

                Helping Hands of Franklin                        Ninety-one percent of all donations go
        County was founded in 1994 by Thomas                             directly to client assistance.
        K. Boyle, who served as its executive

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