Page 58 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 58

Safety First

             Residents and visitors of Smith                  summer: a drowning, and one involving
      Mountain Lake PLEASE give your                          wake skiing.  We have also had a boat
      Water Safety Council a listen.  We                      catch fire while underway, with the

      would truly rather be talking with you                  occupants safely abandoning the vessel
      about the joys and sustainment of safe                  before it exploded.
      water sport recreation on the lake, but
                                                                     The Virginia Department of
      this has been a rough summer for Water
                                                              Wildlife Resources has seen a jump in
                                                              reportable incidents and injuries.  As
             In our Summer Discover SML                       we observed earlier this spring, the use
      “The Little People” article, we laid out                of SML is on a record-setting pace. The
      the downward safety trends that we                      volume of rental occupancies and water

      saw in 2019, and highlighted the near-                  craft rentals is unmatched as of the first
      misses, incidents, and recommendations                  of August, with August and September
      to keep all on the water safe regardless                yet to unfold in the boating season as we
      of watercraft types or activities.  The sad             go to publication.

      truth is that we are living out our fears.
                                                                     With this volume of activity
      We have had two fatalities to date this
                                                              and a steep increase in the number of

      56     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2020
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