Page 56 - Discover Winter 2021
P. 56
Perhaps the most often lampooned • The ten lords a-leaping are supposedly the
traditional Christmas carol, “The Twelve Ten Commandments
Days of Christmas” was written in 16th
• Eleven pipers piping are said to be either
century England. Legend has it that it is a
eleven thousand (meaning a lot) people who
surreptitious means of teaching the Catholic
were martyred in the name of Christ, or the
religion to children during a time when
eleven faithful disciples of Jesus
practicing said faith was illegal. No evidence
exists to support that claim, especially since • The twelve drummers drumming are the 12
the symbols in question represent shared apostles (thus including Judas)
beliefs between the Catholic and Anglican
It has been argued that these
applications of meaning are more legendary
As we all know, the gifts were given by “my than true, but a similar song from the same
true love”, which is said to be God himself. era did assign religious meanings to the 12
• The partridge in the pear tree supposedly
represents Jesus, because in ancient times, In case you were wondering, if you
said bird was considered to be a symbol of a were to receive all the gifts mentioned, it
divine, sacred king would be a total of 364 gifts, assuming that
each gift is repeatedly given on subsequent
• The two turtle doves are the Old and New
Testaments of the Bible
A discussion of Christmas carols
• The three French hens represent the Holy
would not be complete without mentioning
Trinity, or alternately, Faith, Hope, and Love,
“Deck the Halls”. It began as a 16th century
the three gifts of the Holy Spirit
Welsh drinking song for New Year’s Eve
• The four calling birds are the four Gospels celebration, titled “Nos Galan”.
• The five golden rings are our five senses Scottish folk music writer Thomas
Oliphant had a reputation for creating
• The six geese a-laying are the six days of
new lyrics for old established melodies,
creation, according to Genesis
and in 1862 he published “Deck the Hall”,
• The seven swans a-swimming are the seven substituting the rowdy lyrics for more
gifts of the Holy Spirit (I’m not sure what Christmasy sentiments. Later versions of the
happened to the three?). Seven is a very song replaced such lines as “fill the meadcup,
popular number in the Bible, so it could drain the barrel” with softer sentiments,
mean a lot of things, such as the Sacraments as in “don we now our gay apparel”. These
revisions were popularized in 1877 and 1881
• Eight maids a-milking refers to the
sheet music printings.
Regardless of their history or supposed
• The nine ladies dancing are supposedly
hidden meanings, there is no denying the
either the muses from Greek mythology, or
uplifting spirit of singing them, and making a
the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians, 5:22)
joyful noise. Merry Christmas to all!
54 Discover Smith Mountain Lake WINTER 2020