Page 52 - Discover Winter 2021
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      chilling and more than a bit gory. His name was          committing these details to rhyme, not to
      Vaclav, and he was the Duke of Bohemia in the            mention keeping it lighthearted.
      10th century. His father had died while he was
                                                                       Boleslaus’ continued campaign of bloody
      very young, and he was raised by his mother
                                                               cruelty led Bohemians to wax nostalgic for
      and paternal grandmother.
                                                               his brother’s reign, and so they declared him a

             Vaclav’s mother was pagan, while his              saint, and he was later promoted to “king” by
      grandmother was a Christian, and this was                Otto the Great.
      a source of great conflict in the household.
                                                                       So how did we arrive at the kinder,
      His mother disposed of her mother-in-law by
                                                               gentler version of song that became “Good
      having her assassinated, by strangling her with
                                                               King Wenceslas”? Some 500 years later,
      a veil. For his part, when he came of age, Vaclav
                                                               someone in Finland wrote a lovely song about
      dispatched his mother by exiling her. He then
                                                               the coming of spring. It was a lively tune with
      embarked upon his
                                                                                       lilting lyrics, but did not
      legendary mission of
                                                                                       get noticed much outside
      delivering charity to the
                                                                                       of Finland, likely due at
                                                                                       least in part to the fact that
             He would steal                                                            it was written in Finnish.
      barefooted about his
                                                                                            Another 300 years
      domain at night, giving
                                                                                       would pass before the
      alms to the poor and
                                                                                       tune was combined with
      those in prison. This
                                                                                       the legend about the
      earned him a reputation
                                                                                       Bohemian saint, after
      for being a patron saint
                                                                                       they were discovered by an
      of the wretched. There
                                                                                       Englishman. In 1853, John
      is no mention of the
                                                                                       Mason Neale published
      reasons for the oddities
                                                                                       the resultant tune.
      of his behavior. Perhaps he feared that his
      altruism would not be viewed with favor by his                   “Good King Wenceslas” is one carol
      sole remaining relative, a brother, one Boleslaus        that doesn’t actually mention Christmas. In
      the Cruel. Whatever his motive, a group                  the lyrics we learn that he went out on “the
      led by Boleslaus assassinated Vaclav in 935,             Feast of Stephen”, otherwise known as “Boxing
      ambushing him on his way to Mass and killing             Day”. Another one is “Jingle Bells”, which
      him at the church door.                                  has become synonymous with Christmas, yet
                                                               was actually written in America to celebrate
             And what of his storied “good page”,
      who we are told followed our barefoot Duke
      through the snow? He took revenge on one                         Jingle Bells has its own interesting back

      of the assassins, and was in turn pursued                story. Originally titled “One Horse Open
      and killed. I can easily see why it would                Sleigh”, it was written by James Lord Pierpont
      be somewhat less than comfortable to be                  in 1857, and first performed by blackface singer

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