Page 36 - Discover Winter 2021
P. 36

Weeder’s Digest CONTINUED
      W  eeder  ’ s Digest CONTINUED

      pollinating other flowers. This fertilizes              dominate; hopefully they will entice the
      the plants, allowing them to go to seed,                senses as we seek shelter and warmth.

      which propagates the species. It’s a simple
                                                                  As spring unfolds, if you had planted
      process, borne of divine providence.
                                                              Hyacinth bulbs in the fall, the pay off
      Without these unsuspecting insects, which
                                                              will be undeniable. They will perfume
      do yeoman’s work, we would be bereft of
                                                              the air, and provide pollinators with a
      the splendid bounty of flowers and fruits
                                                              long awaited meal.  As we dig deeper into
      which we sometimes take for granted.
                                                              spring, you’ll reap the rewards of lilac,

               While our sense of smell is not as             which can be cloyingly sweet, so keep them
      acute as that of animals or insects, and not            at a distance so as not to overwhelm.  Also

      all flowers attract our                                                       consider Korean Spice
      interest due to fragrance,                                                    Viburnum, a true treat

      thankfully they also                                                          to the senses; you can
      garner our affection                                                          take cuttings from all

      thanks to their visual                                                        of these and bring them
      bounty of colors and                                                          into the home to open.

      complexity of form.  To
                                                                                            Once summer
      take advantage of their
                                                                                    unfolds, Gardenia,
      alluring gifts, we have
                                                                                    though a finicky plant,
      a number of varieties
                                                                                    is well deserving of a
      that we can install in
                                                                                    prominent presence
      our yards that are truly
                                                                                    in your landscape.
      head turners, providing
                                                                                    You’ll appreciate their
      enjoyment from late
                                                                                    stunning white flowers
      winter through summer.
                                                                                    and unmistakable
          As winter begins to                                                       fragrance.  Other

      ease its grip, and long before forsythia                options include Honeysuckle Vine, Clethra,
      preludes spring, early blooming plants like             and evergreen Magnolias; each in their

      Sarcococa, though not visually striking,                own right deserves consideration as an
      have multiple tiny white flowers that emit              addition to your yard. I might also mention

      a wondrous scent. Daphne also provides                  that all of the above are deer resistant
      stunning flowers, another early sign of                 plants.  So take advantage of this great

      the coming spring. Try planting these                   variety of options as you’re planning your
      near entry ways, as winter chill will still             next planting.

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