Page 56 - Discover Summer 2021
P. 56
they couldn’t go wake-boarding. They hip”, which means it was lashed snugly
needed a tow to a launch. “I counted heads against the side of Barry’s Sea Tow vessel.
and sorted out life jackets for everyone and This is done when the towing boat needs to
got them situated in their boat.” Things have enough control of the driver-less boat
were going along fairly smoothly once to dock it otherwise it is towed behind the
Barry had convinced everyone to distribute rescue vessel far enough back so the tow
their weight evenly in the boat and stay line dips into the water and stays that way
seated. But then he heard one of the kids during the tow.
say rather excitedly, “He’s almost here”.
When they finally reached the boat
When he said it again, Barry stopped the
launch with everyone on board that should
boat and started asking questions. He
be there, Barry made the young man who
learned that one of the drunker passengers
owned the truck that was towing the boat
had fallen over board “about 100 yards
on land, hand over his keys. He found a
back”. Apparently, he was trying to swim
girl among the group who had not been
back to the boat when one of his buddies
drinking and could drive and handed
jumped in to “save” him. Both had taken
her the keys to the truck. When the boy
off their life jackets. Barry circled back to
resisted, Barry gave him an alternative...the
where the two might be, but there was no
sober girl drives or a call would be made to
one in sight. By this time it was dark and
the authorities and they would sort it out.
he had to use a spot light. After searching
The keys were readily handed back to the
for what seemed several minutes, he finally
girl and Barry watched as she drove away.
spied a black dot in the water several yards
away. Then, he spotted another black dot. A year later Barry towed the same
They were some distance from where he boat and most of the same kids to a
had been looking but both were alive and different launch. “That time they were
well and he was able to breath a sigh of model citizens,” he said.
relief. With the title “Captain” come heavy
Sea Tow services are available to
anyone on the lake; a membership
“Our captains must take control entitles you to emergency services at
of the situation,” Nancy said. “Especially
no additional charge.
when people have been drinking alcohol.
The customer is always right unless they’re
Barry was towing the boat “on the
54 Discover Smith Mountain Lake SUMMER 2021