Page 54 - Discover Summer 2021
P. 54


      hands and yelling for Barry to “turn                   There was not a boat in sight. Finally,
      around”. Finally, in an attempt to quiet               during the last phone contact they were

      the guy down before he had a heart attack              to have, the boy said in a controlled, but
      or stroke, Barry turned his rig around and             clearly frightened voice, “Sir, my phone

      took him toward the bridge, a landmark                 is dying.” By this time, on a hunch, Barry
      even the passenger could remember in his               checked the opposite side of the island

      drunken state. “You see that?” He asked.               the young man had led him to and there
      The man nodded in response. “The State                 was the boat. The stranded youth was

      park is over that way. The way we were                 cold and scared but relieved to see help
      going.” The man finally was subdued for                arrive.“When I took him home his mother

      the trip home. This was just one example               was on the boat dock waiting for us,”
      of how disoriented you can become on                   Barry said, “I will never forget the look on

      the Lake at night. “We’ve responded to                 her face when she saw us and knew that
      calls where people have run aground and                her son was safe.” It was a look, he says,

      they are within just 3 or 4 feet of a shoal            he’ll always cherish.
      (shallow water) buoy and they didn’t
                                                                    Sometimes a captain will take along
      see it,” Rick said. “If you aren’t totally
                                                             a deck hand to help but in most cases the
      familiar with the Lake or it is night time,
                                                             captain goes alone and does not leave his
      you are easily confused.” Adding alcohol
                                                             or her boat. There is, however, always the
      compounds the problems.
                                                             exception: “Once we got a call for gas and

             Barry’s favorite rescue was of a boy            upon arrival determined the vessel was
      who was about 15 or 16 years old. He had               full of people incapable of driving either

      gone out alone on the water during the                 because they were impaired or, in this case,
      day and before he could get home that                  the one woman who wasn’t drunk didn’t

      evening his boat broke down. He had his                know how to operate a boat,” Nancy said.
      cell phone with him and he gave Barry                  “That time Rick drove the boat full of

      directions as to where he was stranded. By             passengers and I drove our boat.”
      the time Barry reached the area, darkness
                                                                    Imagine, if you can, Barry being
      had set in and the boy was no where to
                                                             called right at dusk to tow a disabled boat.
      be found. It was the middle of November
                                                             It could have been a simple operation.
      and the balmy day had turned into a
                                                             Instead, he was met by “a bunch” of
      cold, damp night. Barry called again to
                                                             college-aged kids who had spent a large
      verify the directions. He had followed
                                                             portion of their day partying on a friend’s
      them exactly. He searched the area again.
                                                             dock because their boat broke down and

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