Page 47 - Discover Summer 2021
P. 47

The year 2020 was full of challenges.  Two         they share a common interest in all aspects
        of Among the many things that we enjoy in               of aviation.  This interest is sparked by the
        abundance here at the lake, there seems to be           caliber of the monthly speakers, including
        a club here for virtually every type of activity.       WWII fighter pilots, Jimmy Doolittle’s co-
                                                                pilot on the famous raid on Tokyo,  pilots
             One of the more unusual offerings is the
                                                                having ferried single and multi-engine planes
        Smith Mountain Lake Pilots Club. For 25
                                                                solo across both the Atlantic and Pacific
        years, pilots and aviation enthusiasts have
                                                                oceans, a flight nurse making several trips into
        been meeting regularly to celebrate flying.
                                                                Normandy after D-Day, a Navy fighter pilot
        The inaugural meeting was held in the
                                                                who has made over 300 night carrier landings,
        main hangar at Smith Mountain Airport in
                                                                an Air Force pilot who trained the first 10
        Moneta, with some 9 people in attendance.
                                                                female pilots at the Air Force Academy, a
        All were pilots and each owned an airplane.
                                                                Bedford native who flew the first U-2 spy
        Most of these were based at the airport,
                                                                plane over Soviet territory, and hundreds
        but some were based at the New London
                                                                of others. One recent speaker was longtime
        or Roanoke
                                                                                               lake resident
        Regional airports.
                                                                                               Frank Ernandes,
             The                                                                               an electrical
        membership                                                                             engineer who
        ranks quickly                                                                          designed a critical
        swelled, as all are                                                                    component for the
        welcome to join,                                                                       first Mars rover
        not just pilots.                                                                       “Curiosity”, and
        Every meeting                                                                          which controlled
        features a guest                                                                       the lander’s final
        speaker. Those                                                                         descent and soft
        who are pilots                                                                         touchdown.
        recount their
                                                                     Of the original charter members, three
        aviation experiences as a pilot. Others who
                                                                remain, with two still active - Lorraine Judd,
        are not pilots but have some connection to
                                                                president and Charlie Walker, treasurer.  The
        aviation will give a presentation that is of
                                                                club has held its monthly meetings for the
        interest to pilots.
                                                                past 15 years at the Moneta Community
             One early speaker was Robin Reed, the              Room at 7 pm on the third Thursday of the
        chief meteorologist at Channel 7, who was               month, and anyone who has any interest at all
        invited to speak on the subject of aeronautical         in aviation is welcome.  With the current virus
        weather. Attendees recall his opening                   situation, an alternate venue is being used.
        statement: “You all probably know more on               Those attending are invited (Dutch treat)
        the subject of aviation weather than I do,” but         to join the guest speaker for dinner at 5:15
        his presentation nonetheless enlightened the            at Edo’s in Downtown Moneta prior to the
        audience on the subject.                                meeting.

             The club has grown to over 50 members                   Anyone interested in learning more about the
        and still includes active pilots and aircraft           club should call Lorraine Judd at 540-314-2190
        owners, but the majority are neither; however           to receive e-mail notifications of future meetings.

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