Page 42 - Discover Summer 2020
P. 42

Weeder’s Digest CONTINUED

      to the philosophy of IPM, Integrated Pest               which increases insect susceptibility.
      Management, we can balance acceptable                   Organic fertilizers release gradually, and
      damage against preserving the overall                   won’t potentially burn roots if you over
      health of our gardens.  It is a combination             fertilize.

      of cultural, physical, biological, and                      As always, place your plants
      chemical practices.
                                                              in locations that suit their light
          Cultural practices relate to the “blank             requirements. Placing a shade loving plant

      slate” in which we are about to plant.                  in too sunny of a site will lead to stress,
      Our soil and its composition directly                   rendering it more vulnerable to insect
      affect how a plant will transition into its             damage.
      new “digs”. In the proper soil, a healthy                   Lastly, consider the plant’s water
      plant has the natural ability to withstand              requirements. Due to our red clay, over

      pests. When in doubt, have your soil                    watering is usually the local gardener’s
      professionally tested, to find out its PH               biggest nemesis. A best case scenario is for
      level, nutrient content, texture, and also              the plants to receive about 1 inch of water

      for the presence of organic matter. For                 per week, which can seep in slowly.  In the
      many of us locally, red clay is abundant,               absence of rain for new plantings, water
      and can seem a daunting medium in which                 once a week deeply, instead of multiple
      to grow plants.
                                                              times of short duration.  Deep watering

          To provide the best start, consider                 encourages strong root growth and
      amending your soil with compost, or add                 supports branching and foliage growth,
      materials that are similar to those found               thus improving resistance to pest damage.
      in the soil in which they were grown.                       Even under the best laid plans, an

      Make provisions to allow for air, water,                insect outbreak can occur. Environmental
      and nutrients to be readily available.                  conditions such as too little or too
      Adjust your PH to an appropriate range:                 much rain, and extreme temperature
      between 6 and 7 for most plants, allowing               fluctuations can create problems.

      the plants’ roots to draw essential                     Vigilance and identification is necessary,
      nutrients, both supplemented and                        as an outbreak can occur quickly.  Keeping
      naturally existing.
                                                              a journal of your year to year successes

          When supplementing nutrients,                       and failures can help you to diagnose and/
      consider organic fertilizers; chemical                  or avoid future problems.
      fertilizers which are either manufactured                   It may sound obvious, but insects
      or mined are effectively nourishing, but                live to consume. How they do so often
      tend to release quickly. This can cause                 includes chewing on or sucking out

      growth spurts, and also floppy growth,
                                                              nutrients from leaves. Some insects bore

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