Page 27 - Discover Summer 2020
P. 27

LAKE FISHING    you want to become skilled at fishing with     time you fish.  You can’t give up after a few

                                                                hours or even two days. If you want to be
               Eventually, I read somewhere that if
                                                                successful, you go deep and stay deep, and
                                                                don’t leave.
        one particular type of bait, you need to leave
 In Warm Weather  everything else on the dock. So, that’s what        I found a spot that became my favorite, but
                                                                       After spending several days on the lake,
        I did… I took only plastic worms with me
        and a scent cover. This is important, because
        I had handled gasoline, motor oil, foods, and           only after a lot of trial and error… and after
        various other things. The scent cover masks             a lot of days of coming back with no fish.
        these various scents that may have gotten into          Anything that is worth doing is worth doing
        the soft plastic from my hands. I also paid             right. Learning deep water fishing requires a
        attention to the moon phases. I fished with             lot of time and dedication, but it is well worth

        the plastic worms, and continued to fish with           the effort; the rewards are great. Once you
        the plastic worms because that was the only             succeed, and learn to associate your choice of
        bait on the boat. I tried                                               lures with the actual bait that
        to imitate natural worm                                                 you’ll find there, you will be
        action, and fished slower,                                              able to catch many other types
        and then slower still, until I                                          of fish.
        caught fish.
                                                                                     With a good graph, you
               When I wanted                                                    will be able to relate fish

        to learn to fish deep                                                   and structure. Use whatever
        structures, I read up on                                                information you have. Things
        it and talked to others.                                                are not always exactly as they
        As always, I went fishing                                               seem. On several occasions,
        according to the moon                                                   I have marked a lone fish on
        phase, and fished only with                                             a point, started jigging for it,
        deep baits for structure; I                                             and caught several nice fish

        left all other baits on the                                             from that one lone fish marked
        dock. This is the toughest                                              on the graph. In other words,
        time of the year to catch a                                            when there’s smoke, there’s fire.
        lot of good bass, but if you want to run with
        the big dogs, you need to know how to fish                     Remember the importance of the
        in summer. If you ever have thoughts about              moon phase. For fishing in day light when
        entering fish tournaments, be advised that              you have had a moon the night before, skip
        most tournaments are in the warm months.                the first 3 hours after dawn, and then fish the
                                                                next 3 hours.  When there is no moon the

               Patience and persistence is the key              night before the day you are fishing, fish the
        to success in fishing. Let that be your                 first 3 hours and then skip the next 3 hours.
        mindset. As always, do not underestimate the            For a short time, the morning and evening
        importance of fishing in accordance with the            hours will be good.  If fishing on the shore in
        moon phase. Stay in deep water the whole                the morning and evening, always fish ahead of
 by Bob King

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