Page 24 - Discover Summer 2020
P. 24

Kate’s Corner CONTINUED

       was either too sick to care about the notice           worldwide. It spread on flea-infested rats that
       tacked to our door, or perhaps Dad had                 stowed-away on trade and cargo ships. The
       gotten to it before I could see it. Besides,           rats themselves did not pass the disease...

       this time I had company: my younger sister             it was borne by the fleas that they hosted.
       and baby brother, and a cousin who had                 Nearly one half of those who caught the
       contracted the disease while visiting on a             Black Plague died.
       weekend. We were all cloistered in our little
                                                                     Believing that the disease was spread
       house together. Whooping cough is a horrible
                                                              only by sick humans, ships traveling from
       disease. It features endless coughing without
                                                              areas with high rates of the illness were
       being able to catch your breath, followed
                                                              required to stay off-shore for 30 days before
       by projectile vomiting. It’s a frightening,
                                                              docking. Eventually, that length of time
       exhausting experience. The thing is that
                                                              was increased to 40 days, hence the name
       when one of us started coughing, the others
                                                              quarantine, which comes from the Italian
       would too, as the cough was as contagious as
                                                              word quaranta, meaning 40. According
       a yawn.
                                                              to online accounts, over 600 cases of the
               Besides the unmerciful racking cough,          Bubonic (or Black) Plague are still reported
       my clearest memory of that disease is the              each year. Today, thankfully, we have
       day that I got to pick what we had for lunch.          antibiotics to treat it.
       I opted for tomato soup, which was my
                                                                     In 1918, near the end of World War
       favorite. The four of us had barely finished
                                                              I, the Spanish Flu, also called the H1N1
       eating when my cousin started coughing.
                                                              virus, swept the globe, taking 50 million
       We all stared at her, first in pity, and then
                                                              lives worldwide and 675,000 in the USA.
       in dread because we knew that we would
                                                              We are also still battling HIV/AIDS, which
       be next. I have no recollection of the clean-
                                                              is believed to have killed 25 million and
       up but I can tell you that by the time the
                                                              infected 60 million as of 2011. As many as 38
       coughing had subsided, our dining room
                                                              million are believed to still be infected as of
       look like the scene of a triple homicide. I’ve
       never eaten tomato soup since then without
       thinking about that scene. It is also no longer               I will say this for COVID 19 -
       my favorite soup.                                      Besides being responsible for getting me

               Segregating the sick from the healthy          off the sofa and into my closet, it knocked
       dates back to leprosy colonies during the              impeachment and global warming out of
       Middle Ages. The modern concept of                     the headlines, at least for a while.
       quarantine is a result of the Black Plague,

       perhaps the worst pandemic ever. It killed 40
       to 50 million people in Europe over a period
      A ma  r y l lis
       of four years, and an estimated 200 million

      22     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  SUMMER 2020
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