Page 10 - Discover Fall 2020
P. 10
Tiny Renovation CONTINUED
other dollhouses that our club has raffled at the that the ceiling light fixtures were hanging by a
annual fund-raiser.” thread. Besides being repaired electrically, they
needed to be secured to the ceilings. The wire he
Those dollhouses, however, and their
had to work with is an exact replica of the wiring
furnishings had been brand new. Although she
that is used in lamps or chandeliers, only it is
did have to paint all the furniture and wall-paper
much, much smaller. He compared it in size to
the walls (she uses decorative scrap-booking
a human hair. It is 30 gauge wire, which is over
paper as wall paper), she hadn’t had to do all of
2 ½ times smaller than the wiring in a typical
the cleaning and mending that this older house
home. In fact, it is so small that in order to “strip”
would require.
the insulation off and expose the wire inside,
In August of 2019, Peter wrapped the he had to buy a special tool. Soldering the wire
dollhouse and its furnishings in protective plastic, became a particularly exasperating challenge.
put it all on a trailer (it was too large for his car),
While Tim struggled with miniature
and brought it from his home in Chesapeake, VA
wires, and light bulbs that were not much
to his mother’s home at Smith Mountain Lake.
bigger than a good sized grain of salt, Randy
From there, Frances, her son, and her husband
was busy carving and staining legs and other
delivered the house to Lakewood Forest and
parts to repair broken pieces of furniture. Pins
into the capable hands of Gerri Williams. Gerri
were missing from door hinges, so small that
readily admits that she wouldn’t have gotten to
they are hard to see without a magnifying glass.
first base on the restoration or assembly of any of
An armoire had a quarter inch piece of wood
the dollhouses without the help of her husband,
broken off of its front, and shutters needed to
be replaced or repaired and painted. Randy
Randy and Gerri began working on even crafted ornamental black shutter hardware
the house in January, and soon learned that it (called “shutter dogs”), from cardboard to replace
had been wired for electricity. This led them some, made from tin, that were missing. Picture
to call upon a friend, Tim Armstrong, whose frames no bigger than postage stamps needed
wife, Rosemary, happens to be a member of to be re-glued, and the pictures remounted. Try
Wednesday Women along with Gerri. doing that with fingers that cramp occasionally,
have a little arthritis, and make a fist nearly big
“I thought of Tim for the electric wiring enough to fill an entire room in a dollhouse.
because he has a model train,” Gerri said.
“You have to proceed the same as you
By mid-July, Tim, working with Randy would if you were building or renovating a full
as a side-kick, had all the lights lit, including sized house,” Randy said. “You start with the
the hanging porch light and the table lamps foundation and then go to the structure itself.”
in various rooms. Even the tiny wall toggle
switches work. The wiring in a dollhouse, Tim The entire roof of the house had to be
learned, is composed of thin, flat strips of copper rebuilt, after which fingernail-sized wooden
on adhesive tape. This tape is placed under the shingles were glued individually onto it.
wall coverings during assembly. In the case of
Gerri, in the mean time, was washing
this house, the wall coverings are decorative
and polishing the wooden floors which are
wallpaper. So, he could not access the main
featured throughout the house, except in the
wiring system without damaging the walls.
bathroom where there is tile that also had to be
However, he was able to replace the wire and
cleaned. She polished and arranged each piece
bulbs for various fixtures in the house, as well as
of furniture and every accessory. The dollhouse
all of the exposed wiring in the attic under the
boasts such detailed miniatures as bacon and
eggs frying in a skillet on the stove top, biscuits
When Tim first saw the dollhouse, he saw coming out of the oven, and a meat grinder half
8 Discover Smith Mountain Lake FALL 2020