By Alexander Ruben Barceló
hen it comes to hunting not only in the United
States but here in beautiful South West
Virginia, the great question is: what do you
use to hunt your prey? Many hunters, myself included,
choose a weapon that’s as old as fire and Biblical times:
the bow and arrow. This form of hunting has been
depicted on cave walls and even referenced in the Holy
Bible in GEN 27:3. This method of hunting, which may
seem outdated, can open many doors for a hunter. The
most significant of these are the season, and the areas
in which you can hunt. In Virginia, we have a separate
season just for archery, which is something many states
do not have. When hunting in areas that have a more
dense population, such as the lake area, you can harvest
your prey while creating little or no disturbance to your
immediate surroundings. Whether you are hunting
whitetail deer or their cousin the elk, two of the most
popular big game animals in North America, the debate
rages over which bow to choose: the modern compound,
or the traditional bow?
The Past Meets The Present.
Discover Smith Mountain Lake
Fall 2014