Page 56 - Discover Winter 2023
P. 56

SML Water Safety Council CONTINUED

      3.  a.  Despite the collisions of recent                position, boat description, situation and
      past, we still have boats fishing and                   souls onboard. Don't hang up.

      running without lights on.
                                                              10.  b.  The total number of people on,
      4.  c.  The non-powered craft has right-                and towed by, a watercraft must not

      of way over the powered craft and                       exceed the capacity of the towing vessel.
      the powered craft must give way and                     Circumstances may occur requiring the
      prevent endangering the non-powered                     people being towed to board the vessel.

      craft.  Operating a trolling motor is
                                                                If you didn't nail that "100", we'll keep
      under power.
                                                              it our little secret.  You might want to

      5.  c.   Four to five                                                      take the Virginia Boater
      minutes of ventilation                                                     Education course in
      is recommended, with                                                       person, where experienced

      visual inspections, before                                                 instructors share practical
      starting engines.                                                          examples and will  answer
                                                                                 all your questions.  The
      6.  c.  Following the
                                                                                 course is required and
      traffic scheme reduces
                                                                                 offered by our local Power
      collision risks.  This
                                                                                 Squadron, United States
      is most critical in
                                                                                 Coast Guard Auxiliary,
      congested areas, narrow
                                                                                 and the state Department
      channels and creeks, and
                                                                                 of Wildlife Resources.
      areas frequently used for
      skiing, tubing and wake                                                      Cold weather and

      sports.                                                                    cold water are here.  Be
                                                                                 prepared for both before
      7.  b.  This is a new
                                                              heading to the dock.  PLEASE wear
      regulation as of 2022.
                                                              your "life preserver"!  Hypothermia can
      8.  b.  The greatest water-related loss                 leave you helpless in minutes if you or a
      of life occurs from persons of all ages                 loved one fall in now.

      falling into the water while alone and
                                                              Wishing you a blessed and safe Holiday
      without wearing USCG approved
                                                              Season.  May you enjoy the peace and
                                                              renewal of a lake winter.
      9.  c.   Call 911 and you will talk to one
                                                              Your SMLWSC
      of the three county dispatch systems
      around the lake.  Accurately provide

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