Page 67 - Discover WINTER 2022
P. 67

Makes a
                                                                               Makes a


                                                                           D    i  f ference

                                  Westlake        A r ea  |  800-721-8218
                                     Westlake Area  |  800-721-8218

         Let     ’ s discuss a thousand tomorrows toda                                                y .
             Let’s discuss a thousand tomorrows today.

     Financial Planning  / Retirement Planning / Estate Planning / Insurance
         Financial Planning  / Retirement Planning / Estate Planning / Insurance

 PLEASE NO TE:  T he secur it y of most email sen t thr ough the I n t er net cannot be assur ed .  L ombar d S ecur ities ther ef or e r ec ommends tha t y ou do not send sensitiv e , trust ed or
 PLEASE NOTE: The security of most email sent through the Internet cannot be assured.  Lombard Securities therefore recommends that you do not send sensitive, trusted or
 personal inf or ma tion (such as S ocial S ecur it y or ac c oun t and personal iden ti ca tion numbers) thr ough this medium. D eliv er y of email is also not assur ed , especially its timely
 personal information (such as Social Security or account and personal identi cation numbers) through this medium. Delivery of email is also not assured, especially its timely
 delivery. Therefore time sensitive messages should not be transmitted through email, especially messages dealing with action oriented instructions regarding your brokerage
 deliver y .  T her ef or e time sensitiv e messages should not be tr ansmitt ed thr ough email , especially messages dealing with ac tion or ien t ed instruc tions r egar ding y our br oker age
 accounts.  Buy and Sell orders can never be taken via email under any circumstances. Please contact our Customer Service at (800) 755-2144
 accoun ts .  Buy and S ell or ders can nev er be taken via email under an y cir cumstanc es .  P lease c on tac t our C ust omer S er vic e a t (800) 755-2144
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