Page 42 - Discover Summer 2023
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C l u bs a nd Org a niza t i o ns
      Clubs and Organizations


                                                                                 By Rachel Martin
           Habitat for Humanity of Franklin County,           pay an affordable mortgage. With help, those
      VA. held a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday,           homeowners achieve the independence they need
      March 17, at 10 a.m. on Pleasant Hill Rd. in            to build a better life for themselves and their
      Rocky Mount. The event celebrated the local             families. A decent place to live and an affordable
      affiliate’s start on their 23rd new home build since    mortgage create a situation where homeowners
      it was founded in 1994 and its second build in the      can save more, invest in education, pursue
      last year.                                              opportunity, and have more financial stability.

           “This is a big step up for us”, said Executive          The soon-to-be homeowner, Lyrie, has called
      Director, Sheila Overstreet. “For the first time in     Franklin County home all her life. She and her
      our affiliate’s history, we’re working on our second    5-year-old daughter have been living with family
      home within the same fiscal year. This is the fruit     while she works and attends college full-time. “I
      of a lot of hard work and community investment.         am super excited about building this house”, she
      Eventually, we’d like to build three homes every        said, “I’ve always wanted to build my own home.
      year in Franklin County and become the leading          My daughter is going to have so much more
      occupant-owned affordable housing developer in          freedom and independence.”
      the county.”
                                                                   Habitat relies on volunteer labor and
           People in our community and all over the           donations of money and materials to subsidize
      world partner with Habitat to build or improve          their affordable home program. To find out how
      a place they can call home. Homeowners build            you can volunteer or donate, visit the Habitat’s
      their own homes alongside volunteers and                website at

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