Page 35 - Discover Summer 2023
P. 35


        SML's Recreational Boating Report Card

            The Virginia Recreational Boating                   • There were 17 fatalities state-wide with
         Incident “report card” for the 2022 calendar           16 not wearing or using a Life Jacket.  The

         year is on the street and bears a quick look to        highest fatality age group was 56 and over.
         let boating lovers take measure.                       The highest percentage of fatalities occurred
                                                                in cold weather/cold water months. (Our
             A reportable boating incident is broken
                                                                residents, bass and striper fishermen should
         down by body of water that involves a death,
                                                                identify with this one.)
         missing person, injury requiring more than
         first aid, or property damage of $2000 or              Take-aways to think about as we walk down
         more.  There are always incidents and “close-          to the dock:

         calls” on SML that don’t
                                                                                  • No brainer; everyone wear
         make the criteria.
                                                                                  a life jacket.  If you intend
         In  summary:                                                             not to wear one let your
                                                                                  spouse/significant-other read
         • The highest incident
                                                                                  this article and then tell them
         months were May through
                                                                                  “No life jackets for me and
         September. (Right now!)
                                                                                  the kids!”  Drop us a line and
         • We (SML) had the highest                                               let us know how that goes.

         number of incidents in 2022.
                                                                                  • If you are the boat’s
         While we had no fatalities
                                                                                  “operator”, just be responsible
         (by the grace of God), the
                                                                                 and sober.  Take a spotter
         injury and property damage levels were
                                                                if skiing/tubing/surfing so you can pay
         very high.  (We have sadly already had two
                                                                attention to driving your vessel.   Stay away
         fatalities this year.)
                                                                from creeks , coves, points of land and
         • Collisions  (vessel-to-vessel and vessel-            congested areas.

         to-obstruction) and capsizing were the top
                                                                • Slow down at night and become very
         incident types state-wide.
                                                                familiar with all of your surroundings and
         • Improper operation of a vessel was the               the Rules of the Road before you pick up

         chief contributing factor caused largely by            your speed.
         operator inexperience and not maintaining a
                                                                • In the last three years we have gained a
         proper lookout.
                                                                significant number of our population who

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