Page 19 - Discover Summer 2023
P. 19

this clears the front deck for casting,               to eat breakfast, and plan to return later

         net casting, and fishing, and allows for              to fishing.

         plenty of room for a large catch.

                                                                    My crew wants to “bait” fish, but we

              This boat also has down-riggers, a               also have rods with “popping” lures tied

         ship to shore radio, 2 fish finders (one              on, a rod with a buck-tail “jig” tied on,

         on the center console and one on the                  and one with a plastic minnow. We also
         front deck), all navigational equipment,              have several rods that are set up with an

         all safety gear, and automatic charging               egg sinker and a leader hook, as well as

         for trolling motor batteries and the                  several with a hook only (“free-line”).

         main battery.                                              We are situated on the northeast

              It’s near daylight. With the moon                side of the 2nd island, in about 40-45’

         in the sky, it means that we will start               of water. Below us, we have located

         fishing at about 3 hours after daybreak,              a school of fish about 30-35’ down.

         and continue for 3 hours, take a lunch                When the siren sounds at the dam, that

         break, and then return, if desired, 3                 is the signal for them to open gates to
         hours later, according to the moon                    make power. The location that we have

         phase this night. Had this been a dark                chosen is where the stripers wait. They

         night we would have started fishing at                know that when the gates open, the

         daybreak, and alternated every 3 hours                current will pull the bait-fish (shad)

         (just the reverse of today). I always try             over them towards the dam. Of course

         to fish by the moon phases.                           this means that this is their feeding

              We are now heading down the lake                 ground.
         to fish. We meet the other guide boats,                    We have set 4 “down-rods” (w/egg

         and over the radio they tell us that                  sinkers) just above the fish, and 2 “free-

         the fishing is slow at the dam, which                 lines” out the back of the boat. The

         is  where we are headed. They reported                fish are biting, but not as they should

         some fishing action at day-break, but                 be when in a good school of fish like

         that was the end of it. They’re going in              this. Several boats have moved in close

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