Page 50 - Discover Summer 2022
P. 50
Charlie's Chatter CONTINUED
make banging noises. It wasn’t long before brand name of garage doors in stock.
the two upper sections developed cracks Unfortunately for me, they did not stock a
and started coming apart. In the interest door that would fit my garage. Their largest
of sparing my vehicles, I removed the top door was 16 feet wide, and mine was 18
section and secured the remainder of the feet wide.
door in the open position.
Finally, I noticed a tiny label in
This was far from ideal. I had built the bottom corner of my garage door,
a trash bin in the garage to store trash which gave the manufacturer’s name,
between trips to the dumpsters. Now, this but no model number. Armed with this
refuse would be easily accessed by various information, I did a web search and located
critters. My temporary solution was to a dealer of that brand in Roanoke. I called,
install a cap on the bed of my pickup truck, and was told that a couple of days later,
and store the garbage therein. All I had someone would come and give me an
to do then was call “the man” to come and estimate.
install a new door.
Two days later, a fellow arrived, who
Wrong. proceeded to take measurements, and
make notes. He told me that in addition
“The man” told me it would be
to the door, I would need new tracks, and
several days before he could come and look
a new opener that would pull the door
at my garage door and give me a quote. He
straight up instead of horizontally. This
explained that if I gave him the make and
was going to cost thousands of dollars. He
model number of the door, he could order
promised to email me a quote, and told me
me one. Of all things, I was expected to
it would take about 4 months to get the
know this information. I had no clue. He
door. You gotta love the “new supply chain
then said that without a make and model
number, it would take several days before
he could come and give me an estimate. I waited a couple of weeks for the
quote that never came. My frustration
Two weeks later, I was still waiting
was compounded by the fact that my wife
for him to come. I began to think that I
was not willing to have our garage door
would need to do the job myself if I ever
wide open for the next four months. She
wanted to get it done. So I went to the
suggested that I ask if the building supply
building supply store, which had a good
store could order me a door in the correct
48 Discover Smith Mountain Lake SUMMER 2022