Page 16 - Discover Summer 2021
P. 16



                                                                    By Kate Hofstetter

              A recent discussion on TV,                       that, we kept in touch by email. Then
       regarding the importance of                             she challenged me to a game of “Words
       “underlying causes” in the death of a                   With Friends”. It is an electronic game
       person, got me thinking about an old                    that is very similar to Scrabble.

       friend of mine named
                                                                                           I readily accepted
       Gail. We were best
                                                                                   her challenge, as I love
       friends all through
                                                                                   word games, especially
       middle school and
       most of high school.
       Then, her parents                                                                   Although there
       moved to another state                                                      was little doubt in either
       the summer before our                                                       of our minds that she

       senior year.                                                                was the smarter of the
                                                                                   two of us, I beat Gail
               We kept in touch
                                                                                   handily several games
       for a time, even after we
                                                               in a row. She concentrated on building
       both started families. Finally, over the
                                                               great words; she had a good vocabulary,
       years the amount of letters and phone
                                                               but she ignored the high point squares
       calls dwindled, and we lost complete
                                                               and left openings for me.
       touch with one another. I “found”
       her again a few years ago through an                           The worse of a beating that she

       online app. It cost me a $35 finder’s fee,  suffered, the more games she seemed to
       which I happily paid.                                   want to play. At times, we had as many
                                                               as four games going at once, and there
               She was living on a lake in
                                                               were never fewer than two in progress.
       Indiana, near my hometown in
                                                               Plus, I’d no sooner send her a word
       Michigan. So, when I went back to
                                                               than one would be fired back. She was
       visit family, I stopped to see her. After

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