Page 57 - Discover Summer 2020
P. 57
Then along came the “Big People”, who -Big People should maintain a vigilant
finally figured out that they too could quarantine look out ahead, in order to spot and avoid small
themselves with their floating amenities, gross craft and swimmers. Take an observer along
tonnage, and motors. They also headed off into if you are towing or skiing. Pay attention to
the little places of SML, among the spring bass swimmers near docks and people on floating
and striper fishermen, and lest we forget: the docks. Be especially concerned about children
Little People. The seasonal water use, wake and elderly in the water and on floaters.
hazard, and traffic density conflicts in the tight-
- Big People must slow down in creeks,
spots of SML have now unfolded two months
coves, and narrows. Fast movers increase risks in
early in 2020. This is a sign of a bigger concern,
tight areas. NO WAKE within 50 feet means
one which we all have to help mitigate.
NO WAKE generated, period. Most docks
While we celebrated 2019 as a year extend from 36 feet to 42 feet off the shoreline.
with no fatalities on our lake, the Virginia You have to be 50’ from the dock before you can
Department of generate a wake -- That often means
Game and Inland about 100 feet off the shoreline. Are
Fisheries and our you closer to the other side of that
Fire and Rescue creek or cove now? Do you really
Teams noted have a safe distance in which to turn
an increasing about?
trend over the
Big People must also
last two years
remember that human-powered and
in the number
sailing craft have the right of way
of incidents
over powered craft. Even a relatively
reported. In
small wake from a power boater
2019 SML was
poses a risk to small craft.
ranked number
two for incidents Little People should wear
in the State. visible clothing and life vests. If
An incident is buying a small craft, pick a hull or
defined as a death, board color that can be seen easily in
serious injury, low light, and against a rising or setting sun.
or significant property damage. Close
calls frequently don’t get reported, but your Little People should avoid mid-channel
SMLWSC has many ears to the water, and the travel, and stay off the water in low light
things that we learn scare the compost out of us. conditions. “No lights, no night.”
Too many of those incidents and “close Like the Lorax, we all want to save
ones” involved interactions between our Little what is precious to ourselves and our younger
and Big People, in constrained and restricted generations. We need each other’s help on this
areas such as creeks, coves, and private docks, one. After all, many of us “Lake People” are
as well as within the boundaries of NO WAKE Big People one day, and Little People the next.
areas. Yes, these are the safer places for small A little kindness, courtesy, common sense, and
craft to venture, and where swimmers are found. adherence to the water safety regulations gets us
We also faced tragedy when children being all safely home. Stay well, and look out for the
towed behind power craft in creeks and coves
safety of all people who navigate on SML.
were swung on the ends of tow ropes, striking
docks and colliding with each other.
Submitted on behalf of the SMLWSC by the
Here are a few reminders, and some well
“Little People” Representative, C. E. Smith
learned common sense tips for us all: 55