Page 34 - Discover Spring 2021
P. 34

Weeder’s Digest CONTINUED
      W  eeder  ’ s Digest CONTINUED

      in order to fruit, most of them do. Crab                (vertical shoots emanating from main
      apples will do the job, or a second selection           limbs), at any time.
      is vital for fruit set.  Some “triploids”, such             Cherries come in sweet and sour

      as the popular Stayman apple, produce                   varieties. While some sweet cherries are
      sterile pollen. They will not pollinate                 self-fertile, the most popular, Bing, is not.
      themselves or others, so choose a self-                 Plant another self fertile cross pollinator
      sterile as a companion planting, such as                alongside it. This will  ensure fertilization,

      Golden Delicious or Granny Smith.
                                                              and also increase your harvest, as birds will
          Apples bloom in clusters of 3 or 4. If you          no doubt contribute to the disappearance
      allow them all to ripen, they’ll all be small,          of your ripened fruit. Sour cherries, or pie

      so when they are young and reachable,                   cherries, tend to be easier to grow and are
      thin the cluster                                                                    self pollinating.
      to a single fruit,                                                                  Pruning for both

      so it will be larger                                                                tends to be less
      and juicier.  If you                                                                important, but
      envision translating                                                                still try to keep the

      your new purchase                                                                   shape and structure
      into future apple                                                                   sound.  Be sure to
      pies, frequent                                                                      spray fungicides

      interaction is                                                                      at bloom time and
      necessary on your                                                                   prior to harvest, if
      part.  Forget about                                                                 the birds don’t beat
      fruit production for                                                                you to it. Also spray

      the first 2 to 3 years. Instead, concentrate            with dormant or neem oil to inhibit insect
      on pruning the branches into a pyramidal                damage.

      or modified leader system. The idea is to                   Fruiting pears tend to be one of the
      encourage scaffold branches with wide                   easiest trees to maintain year after year;
      angles in a spiral fashion around the                   however, they are susceptible to fire
      trunk, allowing for air flow and strong new             blight, a bacterial disease which blackens

      growth, with new fruiting spurs.
                                                              the leaves and stems. It can be highly
          This pruning regimen will also ease                 damaging, so keep a keen eye out, and
      spraying to inhibit insect and fungal                   prune out affected areas quickly, as it is

      issues, which would ruin that pie.  Do the              mostly incurable. Their growth habits tend
      bulk of your pruning during the dormancy;               toward the vertical, and multiple shoots
      however, you may prune out suckering                    will vie for dominance. Try to thin them

      from the base, and also water sprouts                   out to 3 or 5 shoots maximum, allowing

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