Discover Magazine Spring 2014 - page 42-43

Hello Bob
Didn’t get to fish as much as I
would have liked this year but
found your articles amazingly
accurate. The winter article
highlighting “coves” for
winter stripers was good. So
my question is this...”what
do you consider a cove?”
Compared to Standiford or
Indian? Do you consider
them coves or are you
referring to what some folks
call main lake “guts?”
Many Thanks
Jim Jensen
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On Sunday, January 12th, Bethlehem
UnitedMethodist Church commissioned
five new Stephen Ministers.
Founded in 1975, Stephen Ministry
serves communities across the nation,
providing Christian care for people
who have lost a spouse or loved one,
are struggling through a marital crisis or
experiencing a transition in their life. It is
a non-denominational program.
“It’s probably the most important
ministry a church can make,” said Rev.
Susan Hughes, a visiting minister from
Redwood United Methodist Church.
“We offer the same comfort that we
ourselves receive from God.”
Stephen Ministers go through
fifty hours of training before they are
commissioned into service for their
community. The training includes
reading, homework and role playing as
well as learning to pray out loud. After
they are commissioned the ministers are
connected with care receivers who are
experiencing permanent or transitional
Asking for help can be difficult
but without people willing to receive,
ministry doesn’t happen. A care receiver
can be anyone who needs somebody to
walk alongside them as they go through
some kind of transition.
“I realized how deeply she loved me
for no reason at all,” said Hughes of her
own experience with Stephen’s Ministry.
The Stephen Ministry program came
to Bethlehem when three congregation
members experienced Stephen Ministers
for their parents in different parts of the
country. The program was already active
at Redwood, which is where Bethlehem’s
first group went for training.
The five new ministers will join the
congregation’s fourteen existing ministers
and six leaders.
For more information contact BUMC
at 297-7957.
Stephen Ministers
Newly commissioned Stephen Ministers from left to right. Rick Hardee, Sheila Hardee, Lynda Imirie, Lane Speck. Not shown but commissioned as
well, Cheryl Lord.
Discover Smith Mountain Lake
Spring 2014
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