for further expansion to a complete
pre-college program.
Jonathan Sicher is in 8th Grade
at SMLCA (started in 4th Grade),
age 14:
Would it not be cool if you were
able to start your day with prayer
and devotionals? To start off your
day focused on the Lord? To be able to
bring prayers, concerns, celebrations,
hopes, and struggles before God and
your friends? Having a close knit
community of friends who are there
for you and see that your thoughts and
needs are heard? To be understood and
cared for? Then, you could go on with
your day without those troublesome
thoughts on your mind. That would be
a good start to a day.
Then, maybe after that you could
go to your classes and study with your
friends. It would be amazing to have
your teachers challenge you at new
levels that push your mind. To have
academics brought to you at your level
so that you can understand the concept
better, and then help you aspire to a
higher level. In the meantime, you are
given peeks into other world views,
and perspectives on various concepts
and ideas. If you’re having trouble
with a concept, you are encouraged
to receive help from your classmates;
you involve yourself in each other’s
education. Yeah, that would be
Well, guess what: That is exactly
what has come to life at Smith
Mountain Lake Christian Academy.
I have had the privilege of being here
from the start and have watched
this school grow in number, faith,
and academics. Through it all,
Smith Mountain Lake Christian
Academy has remained faithful to our
foundation and roots. Our student
body has developed, from twenty
students in kindergarten through
seventh grade, to fifty-four students
in prekindergarten through tenth
grade. As we embrace the new and
say goodbye to some of our old friends,
one thing will never change in this
school: God’s love (the rock on which
we build), and the camaraderie and
fellowship of the school’s student body.
I thank God that a school for such
a time as this exists, and I praise God
that I have been a part of it.
Kaylyn Perdue is a 7th Grader
at SMLCA (started in 3rd Grade),
age 12:
Smith Mountain Lake Christian
Academy, otherwise known as
SMLCA, reached a milestone this
year as it turned 5 years old. The school
started with 20 students, and we are
now at 54 students. All of us in the
school have grown physically, socially,
spiritually, and most important:
continuing to learn and grow in a
safe environment, free of the worries
of bullying. We get positive individual
attention and guidance from teachers.
Academically, we are challenged
to do our best and learn to our full
potential. Socially, teachers help
us articulate and use proper speech
etiquette in public. Physically, we
learn how to maintain our health
in multiple ways. Spiritually, the
teachers teach us The Bible and how to
defend our faith when needed.
In my life, I have experienced all of
these elements. SMLCA has affected
me in a positive way. I now know how
to speak in public and articulate. My
grades have risen since I first went to
the school, and I feel the teachers care
about each of our personal academic
needs. I know how to take care of my
body and have knowledge of what can
be harmful to me. I have come a lot
closer to God in these past five years,
whichmay be the most rewarding thing
about attending this school. I highly
recommend this school to everyone who
wants a unique learning experience
and always will. I am so glad to have
seen Smith Mountain Lake Christian
Academy grow in these past five years,
and I hope that I will be able to see it
continue to prosper in the future.
The school’s funding comes
from three sources: student tuition,
donations, and fundraising efforts.
On April 27th, SMLCA will hold
a Banquet and Live and Silent
Auction at Trinity Ecumenical
Parish from 5-9:30 PM. The Silent
Auction starts at 5pm followed by
the Banquet and Live Auction.
Tickets are $20 Individual, $35
Couple, and $125 for a table of 8.
Approximately 30% of the
students qualify for financial aid to
attend the school. The proceeds of
the banquet and auction will help
to give children a great Christian
education that otherwise wouldn’t
be able to afford it. It also allows
the school to be able purchase
curriculum materials, teaching
aids, and technology. If you
would like to make a donation or
purchase a ticket for the Banquet,
please call 540-719-1192, or email
We hear a lot about school
choice these days. Many parents
would like to be able to send their
children to the school of their
choice, rather than be limited to a
single government “option”. Prior to
at Smith Mountain Lake, not
all choices were available. Among
the three major types of schooling
public school, private school,
and homeschooling -- private
school was the furthest from reach
for lake area parents. As recently
as five years ago, the only school
options around the lake were public
or home school.
The closest private schools were
in Rocky Mount, Roanoke or
Lynchburg. A number of parents
prefer a private school education
over public because of the smaller
class sizes, one on one instruction,
and the presentation of a biblical
view within the curriculum.
Homeschooling often fills that
need, but not all parents are able to
do it, and others prefer a structured
school environment. In order for
SML parents to have a local choice
for a private school, a committee
was formed, and the result was
Smith Mountain Lake Christian
Kindergarten parent Heather
Hardee is on the marketing
committee for the school’s annual
banquet. “We are not of the belief:
private good, public bad. We’ve had
students leave because they needed
the sports programs and extra-
curricular activities that public
offers that we can’t yet, and that’s
OK. We’ve also had students come
in that need that small, close knit
environment in order to succeed
This year, SMLCAwill celebrate
the completion of its 5th school
year. The original K-8 structure has
been expanded to include Pre-K
and 9th and 10th grades, with plans
by Charles Alexander
A Celebration of Choice
Discover Smith Mountain Lake |
Discover Smith Mountain Lake | Spring 2013