Page 58 - Discover Fall 2021
P. 58
A r o und The L a ke
Around The Lake
Same Preacher, Same Couple
50 Years Later
The sun was bright and it was a beautiful day on That’s where he met a sassy southern blonde who later
the lake. People started gathering at the amphitheater became his bride.
of the Smith Mountain Lake State Park last Satur- Over the years, they lived in Doug’s home state
day afternoon because lake residents, Brenda Gay of Pennsylvania but not before the Navy gave him
Shumaker and her husband, Doug were celebrating overseas orders to Keflavik, Iceland. Doug always tells
50 years of marriage. Their children, Brett Shumaker people his city girl wife would have been unhappy in
from Pennsylvania and Heather Osegueda from South rural Pennsylvania so after a year in Iceland, she was
Carolina, saw on the guest list the name of Dr. Bud happy to return to anywhere that had US soil. A son,
Calvert and his wife, Mary from Florida, and a plan Brett was born in Iceland and after returning home,
started to develop. daughter Heather came along. Doug took over the
This retired preacher married their parents in Ar- family business, Shumaker Industries, in 1979 and
lington, Virginia on Saturday May 8, 1971. It was the now both children are at the helm. Most likely, some
young preacher’s first time to officiate at a wedding of their 7 grandchildren will be part of the business
and, since the anniversary party was on Saturday May someday.
8th, 2021, Brett and Heather thought it would be a Doug and Brenda bought their first lake house
good idea to have him do the renewal of their parent’s here in 2001 and are presently living in their 3rd lake
vows. house which they designed and built in 2011. There
In 1971 the Vietnam War was in full force and they welcome guests from missionaries, to pastors who
Doug Shumaker was in the intelligence and security need a break, to international students from Liberty
office of the US Navy in Washington, DC. The draft who have no place to go on holidays or in the sum-
was still taking place in those days and after graduat- mer. They found the perfect location for their ministry
ing from Cornell University in Engineering, the US which used to be a sheep farm and named it Shep-
Navy wanted him to work in security and computers. herd’s Gate, which reminds us of the verse in Psalms
While he was stationed at Fort Myers in Arlington, 23, which reads, “He leads me beside the still waters,
he started attending Cherrydale Baptist Church. He restores my soul”. To God be the glory!
56 Discover Smith Mountain Lake FALL 2021