Page 39 - Discover Fall 2021
P. 39

drives, but in this case, the BUMMs                    causing them to collapse. It was clear

         were interested in coming up with a                    that a new solution was needed.
         novel fund-raising idea.
                                                                     With the support of the church

              Twenty-two years ago, a member                    and numerous volunteers, a separate

         who had just relocated to the lake                     building was erected behind the
         from   North Carolina described                        church. The one-thousand square
         a peanut project that his former                       foot structure soon became known

         church had used with success. The                      as the “Nut House”, and it boasts

         idea was greeted with immediate                        ample space to store thousands of
         approval, and they went to work.                       empty jars, over a ton of raw peanuts,
         They scraped together the necessary                    two double cookers, jugs of peanut

         funds to acquire                                                                  oil, a commercial

         a cooker, a few                                                                   washer, and racks
         hundred pounds                                                                    to hold dozens of
         of raw peanuts,                                                                   cases of finished

         and a few                                                                         product.

         hundred cases
                                                                                               The operation
         of empty jars.
                                                                                           grew to the point
         The group went
                                                                                           of taking delivery
         to work in the
                                                                                           of 6 to 8 pallets
         church’s kitchen,
                                                                                           of jars at a time,
         roasting, flavoring
                                                                and more than a ton of peanuts.
         and packaging the product.
                                                                Sales continued to be brisk, and in
              Sales boomed, exceeding all                       very short order, the BUMMs were

         expectations. This put a kink in                       able to reimburse the church for the
         the project, because it was literally                  cost of the building.

         taking over the church’s kitchen,
                                                                     In the normal course of operation,
         much to the chagrin of the church’s
                                                                a team of cookers will devote four
         regular kitchen staff. Equipment,
                                                                hours to roasting, flavoring, and
         supplies, and the finished product
                                                                packaging at least 55 cases of
         took up every square inch of
                                                                vacuum sealed jars of peanuts. This
         available space. Finally, push came
                                                                process is repeated every two or three
         to shove when a number of cases of
                                                                weeks, but from October through
         ready-to-sell peanuts were stored

         atop an entire row of cabinets,

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