Page 26 - Discover Fall 2021
P. 26

Fisherman’s Almanac CONTINUED
      F is he rma n ’ s Alma nac C O NTINUED
       once that needed two buckets to slow it down           on docks, points, in brush, and in drop offs.
       sufficiently. I called it my "two bucket boat". I      Plastic worms and jigs work well as do plugs,
       didn't care what it looked like when our boat          spinners and buzz baits. When a cold front
       was catching the fish.                                 shows itself, the fish will feed prior to the
                                                              front and after it passes, especially if the
            Now we come to the baits and set-up.              barometer falls. Fish know when a front is
       You can troll hell benders, water-dogs, deep-          coming in the same way that a person can
       diving red fins, spoon-bill rebels or similar          feel a weather change from a previous injury,
       lures. You could also use down-riggers, which          such as a broken bone or arthritis. Fish feel
       allow you to troll various jigs and lures, and         something similar! As a result, the bass may
       control the depth. The easiest and least costly        drop back 20 feet or more.... stripers will drop
       method of trolling uses lead-core line... and          20 feet or more as well. Since they will be
       you must have the proper rod and reel to               at 25 to 35 feet deep prior to the front, this
       handle this (your local tackle dealer can help         could put them at about 60 feet down. I have
       you with this; it is very simple). The lead-core       caught stripers at this depth many times.
       line has colored sections. Each section goes
       ten feet down in the water; thus, if you have                When the water temperature reaches 50
       fish at 33 feet deep, you should be running            degrees or less, the fish will be in the coves in
       three colors, putting your baits just above            the morning... that usually happens around
       the fish. Fish can see better looking up as            November 1st. When the sun rises, the fish
       opposed to looking down, because of the                move into the deep parts of the channel.
       shape of their heads and placement of their
       eyes.                                                       Catching these fish is easy, but take care to
                                                              dress warmly enough to withstand the cold.
            Take a look at the drawing to see the best        There are also propane heaters available for
       rig for trolling. Start with a 3 way swivel and        your boat for this season. You must be able
       tie it onto the end of the line on your rod and        to get to the cove you want to fish before
       reel. On the second part of the 3-way, tie on a        daylight and before the fog appears on the
       line approximately 7 feet long. On the other           water... about 4 or 5 in the morning. Be
       end of the 7 foot line, tie on a Pet Spoon or          careful driving your boat, as it will still be
       something similar. On the third part of the 3          dark. When you reach the mouth of the cove
       way swivel, tie on a 5 foot line. On the other         that you want to fish, stop, shut-off the motor,
       end, tie a lead head jig with a sassy shad (a          and use your graph and your electric trolling
       plastic grub in the shape of a minnow that is          motor to ease back into the cove. When you
       green, white or silver). This should be a great        begin to see a lot of dots on your graph, ease
       combination for catching a lot of fish and you         into the middle of these marks as you can
       can fish this way during the day until spring.         best guess. Have a casting rod set-up with a
       Remember, as the weather turns cold, the               top running lure, Red Fin (straight or jointed,
       fish go deeper, and therefore closer to or even        6 or 7 inches), or a Long A, or a Thunder
       among the tree tops. Obviously, you must be            Stick.
       careful of the trees.
             In October, the bass are feeding up                   Your eyes will adjust to the dark, and
       getting ready for winter. They can be found            soon there will be a little bit of light in the

      24     Discover Smith Mountain Lake  FALL 2021
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