The lyrics were another matter altogether. Fortunately, my
mother had had the wisdom to teach us German phonics, so
that I could pronounce the words correctly, even as I often
failed to understand their meaning.
This was where the binders paid off in a big way. It’s difficult
enough to memorize lyrics, rhythm, and melody to twenty or
so songs. It’s a lot more challenging to do it when you don’t
necessarily understand what you’re singing. With my binder
full of sheet music, I was relieved of that burden.
With only a few rehearsals under our collective belts, we
began to bond with one another. The ladies were all so thrilled
to have found such a lively group of kindred souls. The few of us
men in the group, none of whom is a native German, soon felt
right at home among them.
Almost before I knew what was happening, there we were:
singing ensemble, with musical accompaniment, at the
Oktoberfest. It was a brisk day; the ladies were all apple-cheeked
and bursting with enthusiasm. We weren’t going to be offered
a recording contract based on our efforts that afternoon, but I
think it’s safe to say that we acquitted ourselves very well.
There was more-than-polite applause as we finished each
song, and many in the crowd complimented us and thanked us
for evoking memories. The best part for me was the look of pure
joy on Mom’s face as she made merry with like-minded souls
who shared her heritage.
Dad looked on and shook his head sadly as I cavorted in
lederhosen and I sang with my newfound friends.
After the performance, we arranged to meet again on a semi-
regular basis. To be sure, we would sing together again, in
public. It’s also great to have a chance to learn to speak better
German. The ladies insist upon it.
Merry Christmas, Mom… thanks for the great present!
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