Discover_Winter_2014_ebook - page 20

where children up to age 16 receive clothing (especially shoes and coats) for
Christmas along with other gifts as donations permit.
Jerry suggested the event be called The Charity Chug even though, he says with
a laugh, his daughter thought that sounded a little like a “beer drinking contest”.
This is the Chug’s seventh year. In previous years it has raised thousands of dollars
for LCM, not to mention the hearts that have been lightened by these delightful
layouts or the desire for the hobby that has been awakened in young breasts. There
is something about a model train display that seems to speak to the best in all of us.
Much of this years organizing was done by Jerry and fellow club member Dave
Phelps, which includes preparing directions to each display and promoting the
event through the media. Other club members will assist with parking, fixing
derailments and greeting and chatting with visitors.
Eight layouts will be open for public viewing this year. Several, but not all, of
the layouts are open both Saturday and Sunday, December 6 and 7 from 1 to
5 pm. The two layouts featured in this issue of Discover Smith Mountain Lake
magazine will be available for viewing only on Sunday and they are just minutes
apart. Descriptions of all the layouts along with directions to their locations are
posted at
There is no charge for admission to homes; however donations are encouraged
so no child is forgotten at Christmas. Last year, an estimated 500 visitors
Discover Smith Mountain Lake
Winter 2015
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