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McKelvey sees this as an opportunity to
try, try again.
“The country’s gotten worse,” he says.
“Everything I stated 6 years ago is either
the same, or gotten worse”
He points out that our national debt has
grown to over 19 trillion dollars, and we
continue to run deficits; last year, we
spent 12 percent more than we took in.
“The best solution is the easy solution,”
he explains. “Cut the government by 12
Spend less than you take in”
Jim believes that absent any true reform,
we are headed for the proverbial fiscal
cliff. “I for one don’t want to wait to
reach that cliff.”
His plan is simple: Cut the entire budget
across the board by 12 percent, except
the military. Then we need to look for
other cuts to make up for the 12 percent
that otherwise would be cut from the
military budget.
The plan also includes elimination of the
IRS, and replacing our current income
tax system with a simpler one, such as
the so-called “Fair Tax”, or some kind of
a flat tax. “I would take either one of
those at this point,” he says.
McKelvey intends to apply the lessons
that he learned from his prior campaign.
“One of my shortfalls last time was that
I had never liked to ask other people for
help…I’ve been self-employed all my
life… I had a great amount of difficulty
going out and looking for money… this
time around I am ready to do that.”
He tells a story about an interest group
that approached him during his first
run for Congress. They explained
their agenda, and offered to donate
to his campaign fund in exchange
for his support. His response: “What
you’re proposing is 100 percent with
the Constitution, and it’s something
I would vote for anyway.” He laughs
about it now. “Well, that was the wrong
thing to say, because I didn’t get any
money from them.”
Nowadays, things are different. When
asked about taking campaign donations,
he says he’s going to have to in order to
be competitive.
In his previous run, he also vowed not
to take a salary. “Gonna have to this
time,” he says. He spent over 300,000
dollars on his previous run, and will
likely spend quite a bit this time as well.
“I’ll have to hire someone to run my
companies, and Kathy and I are going
to have to look for a place in DC while
I’m trying to get something done.”
“One of the things I will not do is
take their health coverage. You want to